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Interview with Frithjof Schuon - on Spirituality
Light on the Ancient Worlds: A Brief Survey of the Book by Frithjof Schuon
Treasures of the World's Religions
A Definition of the Perennial Philosophy
What is Sacred Art?
William C. Chittick explores "The Sufi Doctrine of Rumi"
The Perennial Philosophy Series
The Fullness of God: Frithjof Schuon on Christianity
Exploring "Timeless in Time" - a biography of Sri Ramana Maharshi
What bridges exist between Christianity and Islam?
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CoverTitleAuthor(s)Media Kit
Essential Whitall Perry, Theby Whitall Perry, edited by Harry Oldmeadow, foreword by William Stoddart
The Play of Masks: A New Translation with Selected Letters Frithjof Schuon, edited by Harry Oldmeadow
All Our Relatives: Traditional Native American Thoughts about Nature Paul Goble, Foreword By Joe Medicine Crow
Conference of the Birdsretold by Alexis York Lumbard, illustrated by Demi
Earth Made New: Plains Indian Stories of Creation Paul Goble, foreword by Joe Medicine Crow
Gospel of the Redman, The: Commemorative Edition Ernest Thompson Seton, Foreword By Paul Goble, Introduction by Dee Seton-Barber
Horse Raid: The Making of a Warriortold and illustrated by Paul Goble, “Foreword” by Joseph Bruchac
In the Heart of the Desert, Revised: The Spirituality of the Desert Fathers and Mothers Rev. Dr. John Chryssavgis, Foreword By Metropolitan Kallistos Ware, Preface by Benedicta Ward
Indian Spirit: Revised & EnlargedEdited by Michael Fitzgerald, Edited by Judith Fitzgerald, Foreword By James Trosper, Introduction by Thomas Yellowtail
Mahavira: The Hero of Nonviolenceby Manoj Jain, illustrated by Demi
Never Say a Mean Word Again: A Tale from Medieval Spainwritten by Jacqueline Jules, illustrated by Durga Yael Bernhard
Saint Francis of Assisiwritten and illustrated by Demi
Spirit of Indian Women, TheEdited by Judith Fitzgerald, Edited by Michael Fitzgerald, Introduction by Janine Pease
Sufi Doctrine of Rumi, The: Illustrated Edition William Chittick, Foreword By Seyyed Hossein Nasr
Timeless in Time: Sri Ramana Maharshi A.R. Natarajan, Foreword By Eliot Deutsch
Zen Buddhism: A History Japan Volume 2 Heinrich Dumoulin, Foreword By Victor Sogen Hori
A Buddhist Spectrum Marco Pallis, Foreword By Wayne Teasdale, Introduction by Seyyed Hossein Nasr
A Christian Woman's Secret: A Modern-Day Journey to God Lilian Staveley, edited by Joseph A. Fitzgerald, foreword by Philip Zaleski
A Guide to Hindu Spirituality Arvind Sharma
A King James Christmas: Biblical Selections with Illustrations from Around the Worldedited by Catherine Schuon, edited by Michael Fitzgerald
A Living Islamic City: Fez and Its Preservationby Titus Burckhardt, edited by Jean-Louis Michon, edited by Joseph A. Fitzgerald, translated by Jane Fatima Casewit
A Peacemaker for Warring Nations: The Founding of the Iroquois Leaguewritten by Joseph Bruchac, illustrated by David Kanietakeron Fadden
Black Elk, Lakota Visionary: The Oglala Holy Man and Sioux Traditionby Harry Oldmeadow, Foreword by Charles Trimble
Christian SpiritEdited by Michael Fitzgerald, Edited by Judith Fitzgerald
Christmas Horse and the Three Wise Men, TheWritten & illustrated by Isabelle Brent
Clever Wife, The: A Kyrgyz Folktaletold by Rukhsana Khan, illustrated by Ayesha Gamiet
Destruction of the Christian Tradition, The: Updated and Revised Rama P. Coomaraswamy, Foreword By Robert McKenna, Introduction by Thomas C Fouhy
Dreidel That Wouldn’t Spin, The: A Toyshop Tale of Hanukkahby Martha Seif Simpson, illustrated by Durga Yael Bernhard
Emir Abd el-Kader: Hero and Saint of Islam Ahmed Bouyerdene, Foreword by Eric Geoffroy
Esoterism as Principle and as Way: A New Translation with Selected Letters Frithjof Schuon, edited by Harry Oldmeadow
Essential Martin Lings, The Martin Lings, edited by Reza Shah-Kazemi
Essential Swami Ramdas, The: Commemorative Edition Swami Ramdas, Compiled with an introduction by Susunaga Weeraperuma, Foreword By Rebecca Manring
Essential Titus Burckhardt, The: Reflections on Sacred Art, Faiths and Civilizations Titus Burckhardt, Edited by William Stoddart, Foreword By Seyyed Hossein Nasr
Every Branch in Me: Essays on the Meaning of ManEdited by Barry McDonald
Feathers for Peacockby Jacqueline Jules, illustrated by Helen Cann
For God’s Greater Glory: Gems of Jesuit SpiritualityEdited by Jean-Pierre Lafouge, Foreword By Raymond Gawronski
Foundations of Christian Art, The: Illustrated Titus Burckhardt, Foreword By Keith Critchlow, Edited by Michael Fitzgerald
Foundations of Oriental Art & Symbolism Titus Burckhardt, foreword by Brian Keeble, edited by Michael Fitzgerald
Guru Nanak: First of the Sikhsby Demi
Honen the Buddhist Saint: Essential Writings and Official BiographyEdited by Joseph A. Fitzgerald, Introduction by Alfred Bloom, Foreword By Clark Strand
Hunter’s Promise, The: An Abenaki Taleretold by Joseph Bruchac, illustrated by Bill Farnsworth
Illustrated Outline of Buddhism, An: The Essentials of Buddhist Spirituality William Stoddart, Foreword by Joseph A. Fitzgerald
Image Taker, The: The Selected Stories and Photographs of Edward S. Curtisedited by Gerald Hausman, edited by Bob Kapoun, foreword by Joe Medicine Crow
In the Face of the Absolute: A New Translation with Selected Lettersby Frithjof Schuon, edited by Harry Oldmeadow
Indian Boyhood: The True Story of a Sioux Upbringingby Charles Eastman, illustrated by Heidi M Rasch, edited & adapted by Michael Fitzgerald
Just Like Me, Climbing a Tree: Exploring Trees Around the WorldWritten and Illustrated by Durga Yael Bernhard
Knight, the Princess & the Magic Rock, The: A Classic Persian Taleretold by Sara Azizi, illustrated by Alireza Sadeghian
Laughing Buddha of Tofukuji, The : The Life of Zen Master Keido Fukushima Ishwar Harris, Foreword By Jeff Shore
Letters of Frithjof Schuon: Reflections on the Perennial Philosophy Frithjof Schuon, edited by Michael Fitzgerald, introduction by Catherine Schuon
Little Lek Longtail Learns to Sleepby Bette Killion, illustrated by Beatriz Vidal
Man Who Dreamed of Elk-Dogs, The: & Other Stories from the Tipi Paul Goble, Foreword by Lauren Waukau-Villagomez
Master of Zen: Extraordinary Teachings from Hui Neng’s Altar Sutratranslated and adapted by Tze-si Huang, illustrated by Demi
Mystery of Individuality, The: Grandeur and Delusion of the Human Condition Mark Perry, foreword by William Stoddart
Native Spirit: The Sun Dance WayBy Thomas Yellowtail, Recorded & Edited by Michael Fitzgerald, Introduction by Joe Medicine Crow
Not of This World: Treasures of Christian MysticismEdited by James Cutsinger
Olive Tree, Theby Elsa Marston, illustrated by Claire Ewart
Pandas and Their Chopsticks, The: and Other Animal Storieswritten and illustrated by Demi
Paths to the Heart: Sufism and the Christian EastEdited by James Cutsinger
Pine and the Winter Sparrowretold by Alexis York Lumbard, illustrated by Beatriz Vidal
Princess Sophie and the Six Swans: A Tale from the Brothers GrimmRetold & illustrated by Kim Jacobs
Red Cloud’s War: Brave Eagle’s Account of the Fetterman FightTold and illustrated by Paul Goble
Rock Maiden, The: A Chinese Tale of Love and Loyaltyby Natasha Yim, illustrated by Pirkko Vainio
Sacred Foundations of Justice in Islam, The: The Teachings of 'Ali ibn Abi TalibEdited by M. Ali Lakhani, Introduction by Seyyed Hossein Nasr
Saint Anthony the Greatby Rev. Dr. John Chryssavgis, by Marilyn Rouvelas, illustrated by Isabelle Brent
Samdhong Rinpoche Uncompromising Truth for a Compromised World: Tibetan Buddhism and Today's World Samdhong Rinpoche, Edited by Donovan Roebert, Foreword By HH the Dalai Lama
Science and the Myth of ProgressEdited by Mehrdad M. Zarandi
Seeing God Everywhere: Essays on Nature and the SacredEdited by Barry McDonald, Introduction by Satish Kumar, Foreword By Philip Zaleski
Shakespeare’s Sonnets and the Bible: A Spiritual Interpretation with Christian Sources (hardcover) Ira B. Zinman, foreword by HRM Charles III King of the United Kingdom
Shakespeare’s Sonnets and the Bible: A Spiritual Interpretation with Christian Sources (paperback) Ira B. Zinman, foreword by HRM Charles III King of the United Kingdom
Shivawritten and illustrated by Demi
Songs without Names: Poems by Frithjof Schuon Vol. I-VI Frithjof Schuon, Introduction by William Stoddart, Foreword By Annemarie Schimmel
Spirit of the Cheetah: A Somali Taleby Karen Lynn Williams, by Khadra Mohammed, illustrated by Julia Cairns
Spirit of the Earth: Indian Voices on NatureEdited by Michael Fitzgerald, Edited by Joseph A. Fitzgerald, Foreword by Joseph Bruchac
Spirit of the Indian WarriorEdited by Michael Fitzgerald, Edited by Joseph A. Fitzgerald, Foreword by Charles Trimble
Story of the Mongolian Tent Houseretold by Anne Pellowski , illustrated by Beatriz Vidal
Sufism: Veil and Quintessence A New Translation with Selected Letters Frithjof Schuon, Edited by James Cutsinger, Foreword By Seyyed Hossein Nasr
Talking to God: Prayers for Children from the World’s Religionswritten and illustrated by Demi
The Green Musicianretold by Mahvash Shahegh, illustrated by Claire Ewart
Touchstones of the Spirit: Essays on Religion, Tradition and Modernity Harry Oldmeadow
Universal Spirit of Islam, The: From the Koran and HadithEdited by Michael Fitzgerald, Illustrated by Judith Fitzgerald, Introduction by Feisal Abdul Rauf
Native Spirit and The Sun Dance Way (2 disc DVD set)Directed by Jennifer Casey, Produced by Michael Fitzgerald

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