| Essential Whitall Perry, The | by Whitall Perry, edited by Harry Oldmeadow, foreword by William Stoddart |
| The Play of Masks: A New Translation with Selected Letters | Frithjof Schuon, edited by Harry Oldmeadow |
| All Our Relatives: Traditional Native American Thoughts about Nature | Paul Goble, Foreword By Joe Medicine Crow |
| Conference of the Birds | retold by Alexis York Lumbard, illustrated by Demi |
| Earth Made New: Plains Indian Stories of Creation | Paul Goble, foreword by Joe Medicine Crow |
| Gospel of the Redman, The: Commemorative Edition | Ernest Thompson Seton, Foreword By Paul Goble, Introduction by Dee Seton-Barber |
| Horse Raid: The Making of a Warrior | told and illustrated by Paul Goble, “Foreword” by Joseph Bruchac |
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| Indian Spirit: Revised & Enlarged | Edited by Michael Fitzgerald, Edited by Judith Fitzgerald, Foreword By James Trosper, Introduction by Thomas Yellowtail |
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| Never Say a Mean Word Again: A Tale from Medieval Spain | written by Jacqueline Jules, illustrated by Durga Yael Bernhard |
| Saint Francis of Assisi | written and illustrated by Demi |
| Spirit of Indian Women, The | Edited by Judith Fitzgerald, Edited by Michael Fitzgerald, Introduction by Janine Pease |
| Sufi Doctrine of Rumi, The: Illustrated Edition | William Chittick, Foreword By Seyyed Hossein Nasr |
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| A Guide to Hindu Spirituality | Arvind Sharma |
| A King James Christmas: Biblical Selections with Illustrations from Around the World | edited by Catherine Schuon, edited by Michael Fitzgerald |
| A Living Islamic City: Fez and Its Preservation | by Titus Burckhardt, edited by Jean-Louis Michon, edited by Joseph A. Fitzgerald, translated by Jane Fatima Casewit |
| A Peacemaker for Warring Nations: The Founding of the Iroquois League | written by Joseph Bruchac, illustrated by David Kanietakeron Fadden |
| Black Elk, Lakota Visionary: The Oglala Holy Man and Sioux Tradition | by Harry Oldmeadow, Foreword by Charles Trimble |
| Christian Spirit | Edited by Michael Fitzgerald, Edited by Judith Fitzgerald |
| Christmas Horse and the Three Wise Men, The | Written & illustrated by Isabelle Brent |
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| Destruction of the Christian Tradition, The: Updated and Revised | Rama P. Coomaraswamy, Foreword By Robert McKenna, Introduction by Thomas C Fouhy |
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| Esoterism as Principle and as Way: A New Translation with Selected Letters | Frithjof Schuon, edited by Harry Oldmeadow |
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| Every Branch in Me: Essays on the Meaning of Man | Edited by Barry McDonald |
| Feathers for Peacock | by Jacqueline Jules, illustrated by Helen Cann |
| For God’s Greater Glory: Gems of Jesuit Spirituality | Edited by Jean-Pierre Lafouge, Foreword By Raymond Gawronski |
| Foundations of Christian Art, The: Illustrated | Titus Burckhardt, Foreword By Keith Critchlow, Edited by Michael Fitzgerald |
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| Guru Nanak: First of the Sikhs | by Demi |
| Honen the Buddhist Saint: Essential Writings and Official Biography | Edited by Joseph A. Fitzgerald, Introduction by Alfred Bloom, Foreword By Clark Strand |
| Hunter’s Promise, The: An Abenaki Tale | retold by Joseph Bruchac, illustrated by Bill Farnsworth |
| Illustrated Outline of Buddhism, An: The Essentials of Buddhist Spirituality | William Stoddart, Foreword by Joseph A. Fitzgerald |
| Image Taker, The: The Selected Stories and Photographs of Edward S. Curtis | edited by Gerald Hausman, edited by Bob Kapoun, foreword by Joe Medicine Crow |
| In the Face of the Absolute: A New Translation with Selected Letters | by Frithjof Schuon, edited by Harry Oldmeadow |
| Indian Boyhood: The True Story of a Sioux Upbringing | by Charles Eastman, illustrated by Heidi M Rasch, edited & adapted by Michael Fitzgerald |
| Just Like Me, Climbing a Tree: Exploring Trees Around the World | Written and Illustrated by Durga Yael Bernhard |
| Knight, the Princess & the Magic Rock, The: A Classic Persian Tale | retold by Sara Azizi, illustrated by Alireza Sadeghian |
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| Letters of Frithjof Schuon: Reflections on the Perennial Philosophy | Frithjof Schuon, edited by Michael Fitzgerald, introduction by Catherine Schuon |
| Little Lek Longtail Learns to Sleep | by Bette Killion, illustrated by Beatriz Vidal |
| Man Who Dreamed of Elk-Dogs, The: & Other Stories from the Tipi | Paul Goble, Foreword by Lauren Waukau-Villagomez |
| Master of Zen: Extraordinary Teachings from Hui Neng’s Altar Sutra | translated and adapted by Tze-si Huang, illustrated by Demi |
| Mystery of Individuality, The: Grandeur and Delusion of the Human Condition | Mark Perry, foreword by William Stoddart |
| Native Spirit: The Sun Dance Way | By Thomas Yellowtail, Recorded & Edited by Michael Fitzgerald, Introduction by Joe Medicine Crow |
| Not of This World: Treasures of Christian Mysticism | Edited by James Cutsinger |
| Olive Tree, The | by Elsa Marston, illustrated by Claire Ewart |
| Pandas and Their Chopsticks, The: and Other Animal Stories | written and illustrated by Demi |
| Paths to the Heart: Sufism and the Christian East | Edited by James Cutsinger |
| Pine and the Winter Sparrow | retold by Alexis York Lumbard, illustrated by Beatriz Vidal |
| Princess Sophie and the Six Swans: A Tale from the Brothers Grimm | Retold & illustrated by Kim Jacobs |
| Red Cloud’s War: Brave Eagle’s Account of the Fetterman Fight | Told and illustrated by Paul Goble |
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| Science and the Myth of Progress | Edited by Mehrdad M. Zarandi |
| Seeing God Everywhere: Essays on Nature and the Sacred | Edited by Barry McDonald, Introduction by Satish Kumar, Foreword By Philip Zaleski |
| Shakespeare’s Sonnets and the Bible: A Spiritual Interpretation with Christian Sources (hardcover) | Ira B. Zinman, foreword by HRM Charles III King of the United Kingdom |
| Shakespeare’s Sonnets and the Bible: A Spiritual Interpretation with Christian Sources (paperback) | Ira B. Zinman, foreword by HRM Charles III King of the United Kingdom |
| Shiva | written and illustrated by Demi |
| Songs without Names: Poems by Frithjof Schuon Vol. I-VI | Frithjof Schuon, Introduction by William Stoddart, Foreword By Annemarie Schimmel |
| Spirit of the Cheetah: A Somali Tale | by Karen Lynn Williams, by Khadra Mohammed, illustrated by Julia Cairns |
| Spirit of the Earth: Indian Voices on Nature | Edited by Michael Fitzgerald, Edited by Joseph A. Fitzgerald, Foreword by Joseph Bruchac |
| Spirit of the Indian Warrior | Edited by Michael Fitzgerald, Edited by Joseph A. Fitzgerald, Foreword by Charles Trimble |
| Story of the Mongolian Tent House | retold by Anne Pellowski , illustrated by Beatriz Vidal |
| Sufism: Veil and Quintessence A New Translation with Selected Letters | Frithjof Schuon, Edited by James Cutsinger, Foreword By Seyyed Hossein Nasr |
| Talking to God: Prayers for Children from the World’s Religions | written and illustrated by Demi |
| The Green Musician | retold by Mahvash Shahegh, illustrated by Claire Ewart |
| Touchstones of the Spirit: Essays on Religion, Tradition and Modernity | Harry Oldmeadow |
| Universal Spirit of Islam, The: From the Koran and Hadith | Edited by Michael Fitzgerald, Illustrated by Judith Fitzgerald, Introduction by Feisal Abdul Rauf |
| Native Spirit and The Sun Dance Way (2 disc DVD set) | Directed by Jennifer Casey, Produced by Michael Fitzgerald |