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The Destruction of the Christian Tradition
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Destruction of the Christian Tradition, The: Updated and Revised
Destruction of the Christian Tradition, The: Updated and Revised
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Price:  $28.95

ISBN:  0-941532-98-4
Book Size:  6 x 9
# of Pages:  456
Language:  English

Concentrating in detail on the post Vatican II revisions of its doctrinal teachings, this new edition tells the story of the betrayal and destruction of the Roman Catholic tradition. Dr. Rama Coomaraswamy outlines the descending course of events which lead the Church hierarchy to revise, or reject, doctrines and sacraments which illuminated the lives of centuries of saints and led centuries of the faithful to God. For all readers who are interested in the history of Christianity, and especially for Catholics who long to know the true doctrines of the traditional Church, this recently revised and updated book traces a journey through a labyrinth of error and deception to fountain of peace, beauty and salvation which flowed without ceasing for generations of men and women during the last two thousand years.
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Detailed Description of the book

Concentrating in detail on the post Vatican II revisions of its doctrinal teachings, this new edition tells the story of the betrayal and destruction of the Roman Catholic tradition, certainly one of the defining events of the latter half of the twentieth century. Exposing the massive secularist objectives, influenced by many forms of modernist thought, Dr. Rama Coomaraswamy outlines the descending course of events which lead the Church hierarchy to revise, or reject, doctrines and sacraments which illuminated the lives of centuries of saints and led centuries of the faithful to God. For all readers who are interested in the history of Christianity, and especially for Catholics who long to know the true doctrines of the traditional Church, this recently revised and updated book traces a journey through a labyrinth of error and deception to fountain of peace, beauty and salvation which flowed without ceasing for generations of men and women during the last two thousand years.

About the Author(s)

Rama P. Coomaraswamy

Dr. Rama P. Coomaraswamy (1929-2006), son of the renowned perennialist writer Ananda K. Coomaraswamy, was in his own right an important writer on traditionalist topics, especially regarding Christianity and the influx of modernistic ideas and practices in this ancient apostolic tradition.

Dr. Coomaraswamy wrote what to our knowledge is the most detailed study of the modern changes to the Catholic rites and doctrines. This unrelenting analysis of the errors of modern insertions into Catholic tradition was originally published in 1972 but recently updated in a new edition in The Destruction of the Christian Tradition: Updated and Revised. He also collaborated with World Wisdom as the editor of The Essential Ananda K. Coomaraswamy; in addition, several of his important essays on Christianity, and Tradition, have been included in other World Wisdom collections.

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Robert McKenna

Bishop Robert McKenna was initially a Dominican monk who objected to the changes in the beliefs and practice of the Church that were introduced by Vatican II and its aftermath. He was associated with the Orthodox Roman Catholic Movement – a group of 14 priests who shared similar attitudes, from its inception. Due to his refusal to say the new mass or Novus Ordo Missai, he was forced to leave the Dominican monastery. McKenna then established himself in Monroe, Connecticut and was consecrated a Bishop by Gerard de Laurier. McKenna has also ordained several priests who left the Novus Ordo Church and functions as a parish priest in Connecticut.

His foreword can be found in The Destruction of the Christian Tradition .

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Thomas C Fouhy

Bishop Thomas C Fouhy was born in New Zealand in 1908 and was ordained in 1943. He worked in Australia, New Zealand, Great Britain and the United States. He is the author of The Challenge of Truth and contributed to The Destruction of the Christian Tradition .

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Reviews of The Destruction of the Christian Tradition

"On a warm spring Sunday in 1966, at the ripe old age of sixteen, I suddenly surprised myself by standing up and walking out of the church in which I had been baptized, made my First Communion and had been Confirmed. This was the church in which my parents were married. It was a church built in large part by the efforts of my Scottish grandfather, a convert. It was the same church from which many members of my family, including my mother, when I was five, had been buried.

From the spiritual side, this was the church for which my Irish and German ancestors had suffered persecution and perhaps even death in order to remain faithful to the One True Church established by our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, upon the rock of Peter. Yet, in spite of all this, something inside me was protesting, telling me something was wrong. I did not know what, but I did know that something was not right. I did know that this was no longer the church of my childhood, nor of my parents, nor my ancestors. Something was gnawing at my soul and telling me that this was not “the Church.”

Now, nearly forty years later to the day, someone has confirmed my feelings by answering my questions and self-doubts with facts and data. Father Rama Coomaraswamy’s latest book, The Destruction of the Christian Tradition, published by World Wisdom, shows unequivocally and precisely how the centuries-old enemies of the Church – the Freemasons, Communists and Modernists – have managed to infiltrate the hierarchy, even to the papacy, destroying the Sacraments, especially the Priesthood and the Mass, as well as the doctrines and teachings of Christ’s Mystical Body, and ultimately wreaking havoc upon the faith of millions of Catholics worldwide, both before and after the infamous council of Vatican II.

This book does not, as one frequently finds in Traditional Catholic Apologetics, represent the ranting and raving of a madman kicking against the goad. This is not a book of opinions, either personal or perceived. On the contrary, Fr. Coomaraswamy uses the actual letters, speeches, encyclicals and the very documents of the post-Vatican II church, in comparison to the teachings of the True Church. The Destruction of the Christian Tradition is like a mammoth, methodical machine moving meticulously forward, crushing the lies, deceits and false teachings of the heretics and schismatics of this Anti-Catholic Church. This book makes the reader pound his fist upon the table, or shake his head in sad and utter dismay, at the malign and malignant plots and ploys of the evil men and women occupying positions of power within the pseudo-Catholic Church of today.

Everyone who dares call himself Catholic in these present times needs to read this book – especially those contemplating the pretended priesthood or religious life within the Novus Ordo church. Fortunately, one need not possess a degree in theology to understand the issues raised in this book. Fr. Coomaraswamy’s style is clear, concise and to the point. As Bishop T. C. Fouhy states in his introduction, this book is “most readable.” It challenges and provokes, making the reader ask: “Can a church which denies itself be the true Catholic Church?”

My generation, from the late 1940s and 1950s, represents for the most part the putrid, rotten fruits of Vatican II. We had our faith snatched out from under our feet and our spiritual lives snuffed out. The Destruction of the Christian Tradition explains in no uncertain terms how and why this happened. It answers the questions raised within my soul on that Sunday, so long ago in 1966.

But in the final analysis The Destruction of the Christian Tradition becomes a call back to the True Church. To paraphrase Fr. Coomaraswamy, it makes us ask ourselves where we stand, by Caesar or by God? For whom do we cry out, for Barabbas or for Christ?"
Bishop Merrill W. B. Adamson

"Rama P. Coomaraswamy's Destruction of the Christian Tradition has been updated and revised, features a foreword by Bishop Robert F. McKenna, O.P., and provides a definitive study of the differences between traditional Catholic Church interpretations and those from the Second Vatican Council. Catholics will find the contrast scholarly, thorough, and well detailed. All are excellent studies and are especially recommended picks for any religious collection seeking strong scholarly representation."
California Bookwatch

"Dr. Rama Coomaraswamy's work is an indispensable reference book for all those searching for the truth."

Bishop Robert F. McKenna, O.P.

"Brilliantly written and fully documented. The author shows clearly at what point, according to strictly traditional Catholic doctrine, obedience becomes a sin, and at what point authority, even that of a Pope, becomes null and void."

Martin Lings in Ancient Beliefs and Modern Superstitions

"The Apostle Paul in his Epistle to the Ephesians orders us to expose the unfruitful works of darkness. In The Destruction of the Christian Tradition, Dr. Coomaraswamy does just that clearly, decisively, brilliantly and, I dare say, inspiringly; for against the ugly backdrop of the new religion, one is shocked into a greater realization of the beauty of the true Religion. The good doctor demonstrates in a compelling way that ours is a Catholic heritage that is truly precious. This book deserves to be disseminated far and wide."

Rev. Father Clarence J. Kelly, Superior, Eastern Division (U.S.A.), Society of Pius X.

"This is a really definitive work on the subject — a subject we have all talked about without really pinning it down."

Mary Martinez, Vatican Correspondent and author of From Rome Urgently.

"Vatican II was convoked at the worst possible moment, when Western civilization was passing through particularly heady throes of revolt against established systems – spiritual, social and political. And unlike the previous Council, which proclaimed a thirty-year moratorium for sober reflection before passing on any of the decrees, this latest Council rushed through its reforms while asking our indulgence in believing this haste to be the work of the Holy Spirit".

Whithall N. Perry, author of A Treasury of Traditional Wisdom

“Well written with great care taken in documentation and precision, this book should serve as a beacon to guide those lost in the Post-Counciliar confusion. It will also clarify the perspective and strengthen the faith of those who remain within the Traditional Church".

Michael King, in Studies in Comparative Religion

"The Destruction of the Christian Tradition recounts in detail and with amazing penetration the incredible history of the disintegration of a spiritual patrimony of two thousand years. Everyone interested in knowing in depth the tragic consequences these raids have wrought upon Western society as a whole should read this crucial book."

Mateus Soares de Azevedo, Brazilian writer and journalist, author of The Intelligence of Faith (São Paulo, 2006) and editor of Ye Shall Know the Truth: Christianity and the Perennial Philosophy (Word Wisdom, 2005)

" 'You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its savor, wherewith shall it be salted? It is good for nothing any more but to be cast out, and to be trodden on by men.' This is what has happened (Matthew V, v. XIII) in the church after Vatican II, and all the analysis of this terrible crisis has been exposed in this book with irrefutable evidence. This is why this work of Fr. Dr. Coomaraswamy is a must for all Catholics who care about their faith and want to know the real issues at this time in Church History."

Most Rev. Jose R. Lopez-Gaston, Roman Catholic Bishop (New Mexico)

"Anybody who wants to know the difference between traditional and 'Vatican' Catholics needs to read this book.…Despite repeated denials by the Church hierarchy, the fact is that many basic theological principles have been radically altered.…If what Rama Coomaraswamy says has happened to the Catholic Church has in fact happened—and his arguments are devastatingly convincing—then Christ is no more in the Vatican than he was in the tomb after His resurrection. As the angel said to the disciples who came to seek Him there on Easter morning, 'Who are you looking for? He is not here.' "

Charles Upton, author of The System of Antichrist: Truth & Falsehood in Postmodernism and the New Age

"Coomaraswamy updates his 25-year-old call for the Catholic Church to return to its traditional ways, particularly to practices before Vatican II. He includes a new preface and an addendum on Benedict XVI."
Book News, Inc.

Table of Contents

Publishers Note
Foreword by Bishop Robert F. McKenna, O.P.
Preface by Rama P. Coomaraswamy
Introduction by Bishop C. Thomas Fouhy
Is it the Same church?
The Magesterium and Related Issues
The Catholic Faith
Attitude of the Church Towards Innovations
The Possibility of Papal Heresy
The Problem of Obedience
The Post-Conciliar “Popes”
The Teachings of John Paul II
The Teachings of Vatican II
The Liturgical Revolution
The Novus Ordo Missae
Orders and the Destruction of the Apostolic Succession
Modernism and the Road to Hell
Addendum Teachings of Benedict XVI-Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger

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The Problem: Is It The Same Church?The Destruction of the Christian Tradition: Updated and RevisedCoomaraswamy, Rama P. Christianity
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