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Announcements from World Wisdom

World Wisdom contributor Joe Medicine Crow receives the Presidential Medal of Freedom

World Wisdom contributor Joe Medicine Crow received the Presidential Medal of Freedom, America's highest civilian honor, on August 12, 2009. To view a video clip of Dr. Medicine Crow receiving his medal, click here. To see details from the presidential press release summarizing Dr. Joe Medicine Crow's achievements as an author, a Crow tribal elder and historian, a decorated veteran, and a "role model to young Native Americans across the country," click here. The complete list of distinguished recipients is given, with Dr. Joseph Medicine Crow's achievements noted about halfway down the page.

The Ananda Coomaraswamy Essay Prize for the best essay on a traditional symbol or symbolism

Eye of the Heart journal (see below) and the Philosophy and Religious Studies program at La Trobe University announce the Ananda Coomaraswamy Essay Prize. The purpose of the prize is to encourage writing, following the lead of Coomaraswamy, on a traditional symbol or symbolism itself. Prizes are offered for best essay in an open category and best post-graduate essay. Each winner receives up to $200 worth of books and shipping from World Wisdom, as well as from another publisher. Click here for a pdf document with more details.


World Wisdom Releases Titles as Ebooks

World Wisdom is proud to announce the availability of many of its titles in electronic format for the first time.

Selected World Wisdom titles have been converted into electronic Ebook format so that you can now enjoy our books on your computer or cell phone. Ebooks are perfect for people on the go, or those who have difficulty reading standard books, as they allow zooming in on the text and read-aloud functions.

Currently, over 20 World Wisdom titles are available in three different Ebook formats (MS Reader, Adobe PDF, and MobiPocket).

The following World Wisdom titles are currently available as Ebooks:

Indian Spirit
Christian Spirit
Sermon of All Creation
The Laughing Buddha of Tofukji: The Life of Zen Master Keido Fukushima
Islam, Fundamentalism and the Betrayal of Tradition: Essays by Western Muslim Scholars
Living in Amida’s Universal Vow: Essays in Shin Buddhism
Prayer Fashions Man: Frithjof Schuon on the Spiritual Life
The Fullness of God: Frithjof Schuon on Christianity
The Betrayal of Tradition: Essays on the Spiritual Crisis of Modernity
Light on the Indian World: The Essential Writings of Charles Eastman (Ohiyesa)
The Essential Swami Ramdas: Commemorative Edition
The Gospel of the Redman: Commemorative Edition
Ye Shall Know the Truth: Christianity and the Perennial Philosophy
Borderlands of the Spirit: Reflections on the Sacred Science of Mind
The Essential Vedanta: A New Sourcebook on Advaita Vedanta
The Golden Chain: An Anthology on Platonic and Pythagorean Philosophy
Returning to the Essential: Selected Writings of Jean Biès
The Buddha Eye: An Anthology of the Kyoto School and its Contemporaries
The Essential Ananda K. Coomaraswamy
Journeys East: 20th Century Western Encounters with Eastern Religious Traditions
Seeing God Everywhere: Essays on Nature and the Sacred
In the Heart of the Desert: The Spirituality of the Desert Fathers and Mothers
Not of This World: A Treasury of Christian Mysticism
The Essential Titus Burckhardt: Reflections on Sacred Art, Faiths and Civilizations
Paths to the Heart: Sufism and the Christian East

World Wisdom Ebooks can be purchased from all Ebook retailers including,, and


Limited Edition Hard Cover Books available exclusively for World Wisdom Reader Advantage Members

Limited Edition Hard Cover Books. As a service to our readers, World Wisdom produces a very limited number of hard cover copies of each of its new releases, which are sold only at . Contact for details.



Interfaith Conference at University of S. Carolina

"Theory and Application of A Common Word" is a special interfaith conference featuring speakers from across the Christian and Muslim traditions, including a number of leading Christian and Muslim Traditionalists. The dates of the conference are March 26-27, 2009, and its locale is the University of South Carolina in Columbia, SC. For more information, see the Conference web page.

Cultural Exhibits

Asia Society maintains listings of cultural events and learning opportunities

Asia Society's headquarters is at 725 Park Avenue and 70th Street in New York City, with additional centers in Northern California, Southern California, Texas, Washington, DC, Australia, Hong Kong, Korea, India, Philippines, and Shanghai. Their website is an excellent portal to more on cultural events, learning opportunities, and general and specific information about Asian culture and art.


Asian art exhibitions from museums, galleries and universities around the world can be found at is an on-line journal for the study and exhibition of the arts of Asia. This web site allows visitors to sample fine Asian art exhibitions, both current and past. The selected exhibitions feature museums, galleries and universities from around the world. Among the many featured art exhibits is Taoism and the Arts of China from the Asian Art Museum in San Francisco as well as selections from the 1998-1999 Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York exhibit Sacred Visions: Early Paintings from Central Tibet.


Proposed Reconciliation Project in Bosnia

The Board of International Forum Bosnia proposes the construction of an International House of Dialogue and Reconciliation in the southern Bosnian town of Stolac. The centre will work primarily with ethnic, cultural, and religious groups between whom there is a history or prospect of tension and conflict. It will also promote social and cultural regeneration.

The centre will focus on issues of identities, belief systems, tradition and modern society, and the sources and resolution of conflict. There will be a particular accent on majority-minority relations, social exclusion, cultural recognition, non-assimilationist forms of inclusion, pluralist communities, and explicit and tacit forms of discrimination. A core goal is the creation of a truly open society in which religious and cultural values have a place and to which they can make a valid contribution.

For detailed information, click here to see the project proposal (in pdf format) and learn how to participate. Also, on the organization's web site, there is a page titled Call for Contributions to the IHDR Trust Fund which explains how to donate to this very worthy cause.


Lectures of His Holiness the Dalai Lama

Upcoming lectures of His Holiness the Dalai Lama are listed on the official web site of The Office of Tibet, which is the agency of His Holiness the Dalai Lama in London. Click on the "Lectures" link above to view the web site.


Lectures about Japanese and Chinese Art History

The Chinese and Japanese Art History WWW Virtual Library provides a list of lectures, conferences, symposiums and seminars from around the world about Chinese and Japanese Art.


Eye of the Heart is a new journal in the field of Traditional Philosophy and Religious Studies

Some very good news for readers with an interest in Perennialist/Traditionalist studies: Eye of the Heart is a new scholarly, peer-reviewed journal whose stated mission is to provide “a forum for the exploration of the great philosophical and religious traditions. It addresses the inner meaning of philosophy and religion through elucidations of metaphysical, cosmological, and soteriological principles, and through a penetration of the forms preserved in each religious tradition.”

The executive editor of Eye of the Heart is Dr Timothy Scott of La Trobe University in Bendigo, Australia. Visit the journal’s website for more information.

Publishing Awards

World Wisdom Wins Ten Annual Midwest Book Awards

The Midwest Independent Book Publishers Association (MIPA) considers many books in a number of categories for their "Annual Midwest Book Awards". On May 11, MIPA announced the recipients of the 2011 awards, and three World Wisdom titles won a total of nine medals:

  • Living in Two Worlds by Charles Eastman: 3 Gold Medals for “Culture”, “Interior Layout”, & “Color Cover”; 2 Silver Medals for “History” & “Total Book Design”
  • An Illustrated Introduction to Taoism by Jean C. Cooper: 3 Silver Medals for “Illustration”, “3 or More Color Cover”, & “Total Book Design”
  • Men of a Single Book by Mateus Soares de Azevedo: Silver Medal for “Current Events”

World Wisdom won another Silver Medal for this website.

For more information on MIPA,their 21st Annual Awards, and to see other entries and winners, click here.

World Wisdom books finalists for Benjamin Franklin

The Benjamin Franklin Awards™, which recognize excellence in independent publishing, are sponsored by the Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA). World Wisdom has won three 2011 Benjamin Franklin Awards™:

  • An Illustrated Introduction to Taoism by Jean C. Cooper has won the Gold Benjamin Franklin Award for “New Age/Metaphysics/Spirituality” and the Winner of the Benjamin Franklin Silver Award for “Interior Design, 3 or More Color” (illustrator: Susana Marin)
  • Living in Two Worlds by Charles Eastman has won the Gold Benjamin Franklin Award for “Multicultural”

For more on the Benjamin Franklin Awards™, click here.

World Wisdom Wins a 2010 Book of the Year Award by ForeWord

ForeWord has recognized the following World Wisdom titles in its 2010 Book of the Year Awards:

World Wisdom Books Win Eric Hoffer Awards

The Eric Hoffer Award for short prose and books highlights salient writing and the independent spirit of small publishers. The book awards are covered in the US Review of Books. Two World Wisdom titles were honored by Hoffer Awards in 2011:

“The Compassionate Warrior” Wins 2013 MEOC Award

The Middle East Outreach Council (MEOC) sponsors the annual Middle East Book Awards. The Wisdom Tales book The Compassionate Warrior: Abd el-Kader of Algeria, written by Elsa Marston, is the co-winner of the 2013 Middle East Book Award for best “Youth Nonfiction”

For more on the Middle East Outreach Council’s Middle East Book Awards, click here.

World Music

The World Music Institute lists concert tours and itineraries throughout the U.S. and the World

The World Music Institute lists concert tours and itineraries throughout the U.S. and their web site provides detailed information about various World music performances. The World Music Institute also arranges individual performances, workshops and national tours for both resident and visiting artists throughout the United States and Canada. Please click here for the World Music Institute web site.

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