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"Shakespeare’s Sonnets and the Bible" (paperback)
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Shakespeare’s Sonnets and the Bible: A Spiritual Interpretation with Christian Sources (paperback)
Shakespeare’s Sonnets and the Bible: A Spiritual Interpretation with Christian Sources (paperback)
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Price:  $26.95

ISBN:  978-1-933316-74-1
Book Size:  6 × 9
# of Pages:  520
Language:  English

2009 marks the 400th anniversary of the publication of William Shakespeare’s Sonnets. For centuries there has been a raging debate about whether or not Shakespeare was a spiritual person and the extent to which he used the Bible as a source and inspiration in his work. While Shakespeare’s plays have garnered much of the attention, discussions have seldom presented a complete exploration of his Sonnets. This book gives a detailed examination of Shakespeare’s Sonnets, identifying their underlying themes at the religious and scriptural levels of interpretation. Christian readers and admirers of Shakespeare will be fascinated to learn the extent to which the most widely read author in the English-speaking world relied upon the Bible as an inspiration for his work. (Also available in a hardcover edition.)
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Details on "Shakespeare’s Sonnets and the Bible" (paperback)

(For the hardcover edition, click here.)
2009 marks the 400th anniversary of the publication of William Shakespeare’s Sonnets. For centuries there has been a raging debate about whether or not Shakespeare was a spiritual person and the extent to which he used the Bible as a source and inspiration in his work. While Shakespeare’s plays have garnered much of the attention, discussions have seldom presented a complete exploration of his Sonnets. This book gives a detailed examination of Shakespeare’s Sonnets, identifying their underlying themes at the religious and scriptural levels of interpretation. Christian readers and admirers of Shakespeare will be fascinated to learn the extent to which the most widely read author in the English-speaking world relied upon the Bible as an inspiration for his work.

About the Author and HRH The Prince of Wales

Ira B. Zinman

Ira B. Zinman is a writer, filmmaker, and independent scholar who specializes in the Biblical and spiritual elements in Shakespeare’s Sonnets. He has taught and lectured extensively on Shakespeare, recently presenting papers on Shakespeare’s Sonnets at the Ohio Shakespeare Conference. Mr. Zinman's research on the Biblical influences upon Shakespeare's work has culminated in the Fall 2009 book Shakespeare’s Sonnets and the Bible: A Spiritual Interpretation with Christian Sources.

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HRM Charles III King of the United Kingdom

HRM Charles III, King of the United Kingdom, is the eldest son of the late Queen Elizabeth II and the late Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh. Besides his central role of supporting The Queen in her various functions, as the Prince of Wales Charles was very active in charitable work, having founded eighteen charities himself. 'The Prince's Charities' are active in many areas, including opportunity and enterprise, education, health, the built environment, responsible business, the natural environment and the arts. In addition, the King worked to promote and protect the UK’s "enduring traditions, virtues and excellence." This includes "highlighting achievements or issues that, without his support might otherwise receive little exposure, supporting Britain’s rural communities, and promoting tolerance and greater understanding between different faiths and communities."

Of particular interest to Perennialists and Traditionalists, The King is actively interested in traditional thought and its applications to the problems of the modern world. He is the Patron of the Temenos Academy, which is dedicated to the central ideas of the Perennial Philosophy. Because of this interest, King Charles III gave the opening address to the Sacred Web conference on “Tradition in the Modern World”, which is featured on Tradition in the Modern World: Sacred Web 2006 Conference - 2 disc DVD set. King Charles III also contributed the “Foreword” to Shakespeare’s Sonnets and the Bible: A Spiritual Interpretation with Christian Sources, by Ira B. Zinman.

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Reviews of "Shakespeare’s Sonnets and the Bible" (paperback)

"The genius of this book is its scope. Every Shakespearean sonnet is systematically covered. The methodology, moreover, is comprehensive: the content of each sonnet is illuminated, the moral and religious vision is identified, and biblical parallels are provided. There is something here for anyone who loves Shakespeare’s sonnets."
Leland Ryken, Wheaton College, author of How to Read the Bible as Literature and Dictionary of Biblical Imagery.

"Author Zinman, an attorney, produced the documentary film Shakespeare's Spirituality: A Perspective, featuring British scholar of perennial philosophy Martin Lings. While Lings was noted for tracing Shakespeare's spirituality in the plays, Zinman went on to write this study of the sonnets from a spiritual perspective. Zinman includes all 154 sonnets, each followed by the sonnet's "Theme," a "Glossary" paraphrasing each quatrain, a "Commentary" on the sonnet's enduring spiritual message, and a set of "Biblical Passages Suggested By" the sonnet. Zinman's exposition shows a love of both the Bard and the biblical."
Library Journal

“This is an excellent reference book for many readers. They will pick and chose favorite sonnets to read…. The book is very well organized. The theme and glossary enhance readers’ ability to grasp meaning and context.”
Midwest Book Award Judging Panel

Selection from our Library about "Shakespeare’s Sonnets and the Bible" (paperback)
 TitleSourceAuthor 1Author 2Subject WW HTMLWW PDFExternal Link
Shakespeare's Sonnet 53 - Commentary and AnalysisShakespeare's Sonnets and the Bible: A Spiritual Interpretation with Christian SourcesZinman, Ira B. Christianity, Poetry, Spiritual Life, Symbolism
Shakespeare's Sonnet 18 - Commentary and AnalysisShakespeare's Sonnets and the Bible: A Spiritual Interpretation with Christian SourcesZinman, Ira B. Christianity, Poetry, Spiritual Life, Symbolism
The Method Followed in Shakespeare's Sonnets and the BibleShakespeare's Sonnets and the Bible: A Spiritual Interpretation with Christian SourcesZinman, Ira B. Christianity, Poetry, Spiritual Life, Symbolism
Introduction to Shakespeare's Sonnets and the BibleShakespeare's Sonnets and the Bible: A Spiritual Interpretation with Christian SourcesZinman, Ira B. Christianity, Poetry, Spiritual Life, Symbolism
Foreword to Shakespeare's Sonnets and the BibleShakespeare's Sonnets and the Bible: A Spiritual Interpretation with Christian SourcesCharles Windsor Prince of Wales, HRH Christianity, Poetry, Spiritual Life, Symbolism
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