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There is more to life than our ordinary experience of it, and A Guide to Hindu Spirituality is intended to serve as a guide to help us explore that missing dimension. Spirituality is often viewed as something mysterious and Hindu spirituality even more so. But its central claim is really quite simple: that our normal life does not exhaust the experience of reality. The word spirituality is simply a signpost pointing to this unexplored religion. The various religions of the world provide their own roadmaps for exploring this region. A Guide to Hindu Spirituality, by Arvind Sharma, shows presents one such roadmap based on a well-known philosophical system of the Hindu tradition.

"It should be made clear at the outset that one does not have to be a Hindu to avail oneself of Hindu spirituality. Perhaps it is worth pointing out here that Hinduism actually discourages conversion from one religion to another. It does so not because it has some special gifts it will not share with non-Hindus, but because for it every religion is an occasion for universal hope. So one answer to the question: Who is a Hindu? given within Hinduism is: A Hindu is like anyone else, only more so.

"Then, does one need a guru? This raises the question: who is a guru? We normally tend to associate a guru with a person. This is taking too narrow a view according to some. Anything which sets one off on the spiritual path could qualify as a guru: an event, a conversation, even a book.

"...So there are no preconditions for embarking on Hindu spirituality."

—Excerpt from A Guide to Hindu Spirituality
This book is divided into two sections: the first section provides an introduction to Hindu spirituality. The second section digs deeper into specific subjects in Hindu spirituality, like the body, the universe, and the spiritual path.
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