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Studies in Comparative Religion - 1969
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Studies in Comparative Religion - Commemorative Annual Edition 1969
Studies in Comparative Religion - Commemorative Annual Edition 1969
Click cover for larger image.
Comparative Religion

Price:  $23.95

ISBN:  978-1-933316-71-0
Book Size:  8.25x11
# of Pages:  224
Language:  English

Studies in Comparative Religion was founded in Britain in 1963 by Francis Clive-Ross (1921–1981) and is the first and most comprehensive English-language journal of traditional studies. The journal was published under the name Tomorrow until 1967, when it was changed to its present name. Four quarterly issues per year, containing over 1,200 articles in total, were published during the first 25 years of Studies in Comparative Religion’s existence, before its publication was interrupted in 1987.

Each Commemorative Annual Edition contains all of the articles, editorials, and letters to the editor in the exact manner as the four quarterly issues that were published in the respective years.
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About the Author(s)

Francis Clive-Ross

F. Clive-Ross was the founder, publisher and editor of the journal Studies in Comparative Religion and its predecessor Tomorrow. For nearly 20 years under Clive-Ross’ guidance, Studies was one of the predominant platforms for discussion of all issues to pertaining to comparative religious studies. Clive-Ross also founded the publishing house, Perennial Books Ltd, and was a trustee of the “World of Islam Festival”. He died in 1981.

World Wisdom has proudly sponsored a new beginning for Studies. All of the original issues are being placed on a custom website: Mr. Clive-Ross's editorials appear in the compilations of Studies in Comparative Religion issues published by World Wisdom:

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Reviews of Studies in Comparative Religion - 1969

“One of the most interesting intellectual developments of the 1960s was the publication in England of a periodical called Studies in Comparative Religion. When it first came across my desk, it had seemed to me merely another gray scholarly journal—an impression that was only strengthened by its stated pur pose of presenting essays concerning ‘traditional studies.’ Like many Americans, I was put off by the very word ‘tradition.’ But I pressed on because I had heard that this journal contained some of the most serious thinking of the twentieth century.
“And in fact I quickly saw that its contributors were not interested in the hypothesizing and the marshaling of piecemeal evidence that characterizes the work of most academicians. On close reading, I felt an extraordinary intellectual force radiating through their intricate prose. These men were out for the kill. For them, the study of spiritual traditions was a sword with which to destroy the illusions of contemporary man….
“All I could have said defi nitely was that they seemed to take metaphysical ideas more seriously than one might have thought possible. It was as though for them such ideas were the most real things in the world. They conformed their thought to these ideas in the way the rest of us tend to conform our thought to material things. Perhaps it was this aspect that gave their essays a fl avor that was both slightly archaic and astonishingly fresh at the same time....
“That these writings bring something that has been entirely lacking in Western religious thought is therefore not open to question. But that is not the court at which their work deserves to be judged, nor would they wish it so. Something much more serious is at stake than merely renewing the comparative study of religion throughout the land….”
Jacob Needleman, San Francisco State College, Editor for The Penguin Metaphysical Library

Table of Contents for Studies in Comparative Religion - 1969

Vol. 3, #1, Winter 1969

Old Lithuanian Songs by Martin Lings   3
A Glance at Agriculture by Lord Northbourne   11
Some Aspects of the Symbolism of the Fish by René Guénon   22
An Introduction to the Religious Thought of C. G. Jung by Philip Sherrard   26
Man, Creation and the Fossil Record by Donald H. Bishop   38
Book Reviews    43
Correspondence   48

Vol. 3, #2, Spring 1969

Dilemmas of Moslem Scholasticism by Frithjof Schuon   57
The Language of Birds by René Guénon   80
Tibetan Music: Sacred and Secular by Lobsang Ph. Lhalungpa    83
The Symbolism of Chess by Titus Burckhardt    91
The Ancient Wisdom in Africa by Patrick Bowen   96
Book Reviews   103
Correspondence   108

Vol. 3, #3, Summer 1969

Understanding and Believing by Frithjof Schuon    113
Thomas Merton 1915-1968: An Appreciation Of His Life     120
   And Work, By One Who Knew Him by Marco Pallis   
Tradition and Commentary As Religious Categories in Judaism   127
    by Gershom G. Scholem
Between Time and Eternity Edited and translated by Pedro and     140
   Ann-Lawrie Aisa and Mackenzie Brown
The Seven Liberal Arts and the West Door of Chartres Cathedral   152
   by Titus Burckhardt   
Book Reviews   155
Correspondence   163

Vol. 3, #4, Autumn 1969

No Activity Without Truth by Frithjof Schuon   169
Gandhi’s Theory of Society and Our Times by A. K. Saran    177
The Persistence of Essential Values among North American Plains Indians    186
   by Joseph Epes Brown   
Religion and Science by Lord Northbourne    193
Between Time and Eternity Edited and translated by Pedro and    203
   Ann-Lawrie Aisa and Mackenzie Brown
Book Reviews    214
Correspondence   215

Selection from our Library about Studies in Comparative Religion - 1969
 TitleSourceAuthor 1Author 2Subject WW HTMLWW PDFExternal Link
Brown’s article deals with three main points. First, the essential values of the Plains Indians and the “universal quality of the underlying values” which “constitute for these original Americans a valid dialect of what has been called the Religio Perennis.” Secondly, the question of whether it is possible with the constant assault of the modern world, for this way of cultural and spiritual life to continue? Thirdly, the author’s contemporary assessment of the situation of the wellbeing of the North American Plains Indian spiritual life.
The Persistence of Essential Values among North American Plains IndiansStudies in Comparative Religion, Vol. 3, No. 4. ( Autumn, 1969)Brown, Joseph American Indian
The life and work of Thomas Merton are described in this article; the author recalls the role that Mr. Merton played in the Catholic Church, and his positive influence in the communication between different religions. The author here recalls his own meeting with Mr. Merton and his personal impressions of the man. Merton’s view of the Church as well as his interest in other religions such as Zen Buddhism are presented as being a part of his “overwhelming urge to lose himself in God”. The reader is provided with a concise account of the remarkable life of Mr. Merton, from his initial entry into the Catholic Church to his later hermitage and retreat.
Thomas Merton 1915-1968Studies in Comparative Religion, Vol. 3, No. 3. ( Summer, 1969)Pallis, Marco Biography
In this article from the journal Studies in Comparative Religion, Martin Lings discusses the symbolism of several Lithuanian songs passed down through oral tradition. Though part of the “Lithuanian folklore” tradition, these songs contain symbolism from diverse spiritual, cultural, and religious traditions. He addresses the misconception that folklore in general is “popular” in origin, emphasizing that a great deal of folklore is derived from preserved relics of former traditions. The selected Lithuanian songs are used to illustrate his points about the diverse origins of folklore traditions and the “subconscious collective memory” that often informs them.
Old Lithuanian SongsStudies in Comparative Religion, Vol. 3, No. 1. ( Winter, 1969)Lings, Martin Tradition
Burckhardt examines the history and symbolism of the chess-board of its pieces. From its roots in India through its passages into Persia and into Europe the chess-board is both a military stratagem and a symbol of space and the universe, as well as a symbol of the nature of the soul and the relationship between will and fate.
The Symbolism of ChessStudies in Comparative Religion, Vol. 3, No. 2. ( Spring, 1969)Burckhardt, Titus Symbolism
Burckhardt begins his article with an interesting comparison of the Virgin Mary’s intelligence, which he considers the highest possible for humans with the seven sciences, which he claims are an “expression of so many faculties of the soul”. He continues to address these sciences and classifies them as grammar, logic, and rhetoric, as the first three, and arithmetic, music, geometry and astronomy respectively. Apparently these seven sciences, which do not of course fit the term of science as used today, are represented by the seven planets. Other correlations related to these sciences include their relation to numbers, as well as their representation on the door of Chartres Cathedral.
The Seven Liberal Arts and the West Door of Chartres CathedralStudies in Comparative Religion, Vol. 3, No. 3. ( Summer, 1969)Burckhardt, Titus Christianity
This article discusses the issue of revelation, as well as the concept of creating or developing tradition within the historical and religious context of Judaism. On the subject of tradition Scholem argues that “tradition asserts itself ever more emphatically as a new religious value and as a category of religious thinking. It becomes the medium through which creative forces express themselves.” He further addresses this issue by discussing the development and use of the Oral Torah and the Written Torah, and how they relate to the process of creating tradition and then examining it. Scholem also draws from numerous historical and textual sources that support his argument.
Tradition and Commentary as Religious Categories in Judaism by Gershom G. ScholemStudies in Comparative Religion, Vol. 3, No. 3. ( Summer, 1969)Scholem, Gershom Judaism
The importance of belief and the relation between belief and understanding are discussed in this article. Schuon makes the point that it is important to believe in something, even if one doesn’t fully understand it. The distinction between symbol and faith are also discussed here; Schuon argues that faith is akin to love, and that a path of faith or love is often chosen over one of reason. Another distinction examined here is the one between the ‘dry’ and ‘moist’ paths, where the dry is of course one of reason and speculation on Truth, while the moist is focused on love and faith. The article concludes with an examination of some specific paths where these principles of ‘dry’ and ‘moist’, faith-based and reason-based paths are present.
Understanding and BelievingStudies in Comparative Religion, Vol. 3, No. 3. ( Summer, 1969)Schuon, Frithjof Comparative Religion
Schuon discusses the limitations and issues that stem from restrictive theories in Moslem scholasticism with particular focus on Ash‘arite theology. Schuon follows Ash‘arite theology from founding principles through to conclusions, describing the logical flaws inherent in ‘totalitarian obedientialism.’
Dilemmas of Theological Speculation: With Special Reference to Moslem ScholasticismStudies in Comparative Religion, Vol. 3, No. 2. ( Spring, 1969)Schuon, Frithjof Islam
This is an article on in which René Guénon shows that the symbol of the fish has been common to a number of ancient traditions, fulfilling the function of, for example, a spiritual preserver or savior.
Some Aspects of The Symbolism of The FishStudies in Comparative Religion, Vol. 3, No. 1. ( Winter, 1969)Guénon, René Symbolism
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