
Messenger of The Heart |
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Inspirational Poetry
Price: $17.95
ISBN: 0-941532-70-4
Book Size: 6" x 9"
# of Pages: 160
Language: English
Messenger of the Heart fills its pages with mystical Zen and Christian poems by Angelus Silesius. His poems are widely considered one of the greatest achievements in the spiritual literature the world. Also containing a Foreword by David Appelbaum, the poems come alive with pages of pen and ink sketches by Frederick Franck.
When mystics like Angelus Silesius speak of God, they do so from a vibrant intensity of awareness, and in a tone of voice one trusts at once. The timeless wisdom embedded in Messenger of the Heart’s humble rhymes is beautifully echoed by the observations of the ancient Zen masters which punctuate the text, and in the haiku-like drawings by Frederick Franck. Messenger of the Heart is part of the Spiritual Masters-East and West series.
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Messenger of the Heart fills its pages with mystical Zen and Christian poems by Angelus Silesius. His poems are widely considered one of the greatest achievements in the spiritual literature the world. Also containing a Foreword by David Appelbaum, the poems come alive with pages of pen and ink sketches by Frederick Franck.
When mystics like Angelus Silesius speak of God, they do so from a vibrant intensity of awareness, and in a tone of voice one trusts at once. The timeless wisdom embedded in Messenger of the Heart’s humble rhymes is beautifully echoed by the observations of the ancient Zen masters which punctuate the text, and in the haiku-like drawings by Frederick Franck. Messenger of the Heart is part of the Spiritual Masters-East and West series.
Angelus Silesius was born in Breslau, Poland in 1624. He published, in 1657, the two poetical works on which his fame rests; The Soul's Spiritual Delight and The Cherubic Wanderer. In 1661, he was ordained a priest and retired to the monastery of the Knights of the Cross in Breslau, where he died.
Messenger of the Heart is Frederick Franck’s translation of The Cherubic Wanderer.
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Frederick Franck was a man of many talents: surgeon, philosopher, author, translator, artist, and, above all, activist for peace and humanity and critic of modern barbarisms. Internationally acclaimed for his many accomplishments, Dr. Franck blended art and spirituality into all that he produced, helping people see the humanity in others and God's Spirit in its many manifestations in the world. His classic book The Buddha Eye was reissued by World Wisdom, with some new additions, in 2004. He was also the editor of The Messenger of the Heart, a beautiful book featuring poems of Angelus Silesius, complemened by Franck's own drawings and select sayings of Zen masters.
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David Appelbaum is a Professor of Philosophy at State University of New York at New Paltz and is the author of several books on spiritual philosophy including
Gathering Sparks: Interviews from Parabola Magazine and
The Shock of Love.
A graduate of Harvard, Professor Appelbaum is also a former senior editor of Parabola. Appelbaum wrote the Foreword to
Messenger of the Heart .
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Reviews on the author, Fredrick Frank |
“Frederick Franck is one of a rare and precious breed—an authentic troubadour whose lyricism is pure in word and image. He quietly roams our materialistic world and shows us that even here, even now, there is hope for our soul.”
- Jacob Needleman, San Francisco State University, author of The Heart of Philosophy and Lost Christianity
“Frederick Franck is that rarest of human beings, a true eclectic—in touch with the perennial. …”
- Robert Aitken Roshi, author of Taking the Path of Zen
“Franck … looks deep into the human heart and what he fi nds there is the priceless treasure of the sacred reality: a discovery and message so crucial to contemporary humanity.”
- Georg Feuerstein, author of The Yoga Tradition
“His words … make us see the world as a place where, with more understanding and tolerance, we could all live together in harmony.”
- Rhena Schweitzer Miller, daughter of Albert Schweitzer
“He simply sees things most people do not. …”
- Harvey Cox, author of The Secular City and Many Mansions
“Frederick Franck’s exploration of what it means to be human and his moving artistic expression have been transnational, transcultural, and transdisciplinary.”
- Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, which awarded Franck a World Citizenship Award
“Above all else, Franck is a bridge builder whose spirituality points to a new way of being in the twenty-first century.”
- Spirituality and Health magazine
“Frederick Franck is an artist and author who believes in seeing everything around him. … [This] does not mean simply looking at, but instead actively realizing the importance of everything around him, especially other people.”
- The Online Journal of Peace and Conflict Resolution
“The fact that, over ninety and recovering from a near-fatal automobile accident, Franck still finds hope and beauty in the world around him and can convey it with such simple force, is perhaps the most eloquent answer of all.”
- Parabola magazine
Reviews on the book, Messenger of the Heart: The Book of Angelus Silesius |
"The artful intertwining of the mystic visions of Zen Buddhism and Angelus Silesius’ poetry will inspire all readers, East and West, in their quest of the Oneness underlying our reality. Though we may not all be mystics, the poems and quotations gathered by Frederick Franck are redolent with spiritual insight from which each of us may benefit as we contemplate our human and natural diversities."
- Al Bloom, author of The Life of Shinran Shonin: The Journey to Self Acceptance and editor of Living in Amida’s Universal Vow: Essays on Shin Buddhism
"This volume is another example of Frederick Franck's pioneering work in interspirituality. He has drawn the rich resources of Eastern and Western wisdom together in an uplifting and edifying whole. With Franck's line drawings illustrating the poetry, this is a beautiful edition."
- Spirituality & Health magazine
"Angelus Silesius, aka Johann Scheffler, was the son of a Lutheran Polish nobleman who lived in the 17th century. This volume contains mystical Zen and Christian poems, illustrated with Franck's pen-and-ink sketches."
- The Bookseller
Table of Contents
Foreword by David Appelbaum
Introduction by Frederick Franck
Of Time and Eternity
Of the One and the Many
Of Ego and the Makings of Destiny
Of Life and Death
Of Heaven and Hell
Of Prayer and Meditation
Of the Inner Light and Enlightenment
Of God and the True Self
Of Bondage and Freedom
Of the Central Mystery
Biographical Notes
Excerpt from the Foreword: What is the destiny of human nature and what has it become? At both extremes—nothing and everything—is a question mark. Humankind is that, Frederick Franck would remind us. It is under interrogation and commanded to respond. His exhilaration and wonder at the question, “What does it mean to be fully human?” has ignited a long life of unceasing accomplishment. His vision has taken in many forms: great sculptural works, exquisite ink drawings, and texts of all kinds. We are tempted to apply the overused term, “man of the Renaissance” to its profound profusion. But the breadth and depth of his spirituality must not be neglected for the sake of a label. Above all else, Frederick Franck is a seer. It is hardly by chance that he is attracted to Angelus Silesius as a companion of the way. Both seek the transcendental, unifying vision that looks on all things with the purified heart, and which sees through the fragmented, broken world in which possession reigns, to that in which each separate entity is rooted.