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Swami Sri Ramananda Saraswathi’s life and work
This site includes Swami Sri Ramananda Saraswathi’s biography, photos, online articles, and more.
Swami Sri Ramananda Saraswathi
Swami Sri Ramananda  Saraswathi
Detailed Information on Swami Sri Ramananda Saraswathi
Author’s Writings On-line
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Biography of Swami Sri Ramananda Saraswathi

Born Munagala S. Venkataramaiah, Swami Sri Ramananda Saraswathi was a senior disciple of Sri Ramana Maharshi for many years. It appears that in his life before moving to the ashram, Venkataramaiah had been a government official, holding a prestigious position. By the early 1930s he had moved to the Maharshi's ashram near the holy site of Arunachala. In the ashram, he often fulfilled the function of principal translator for the many guests who came to ask guidance from Sri Ramana Maharshi. In addition, Swami Sri Ramananda Saraswathi translated some important classics of Advaita Vedanta, the Tripura Rahasya, the Advaita Bodha Deepika, and the Kaivalya Navaneeta into English. He also was the recorder of dialogues between the Maharshi and various seekers over a number of years, which were compiled into the book Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi.

Swami Sri Ramananda Saraswathi’s Writings Online
 TitleSourceAuthor 1Author 2SubjectWW HTMLWW PDFExternal Link
Tripura Rahasya, Chapters 1-5Tripura Rahasya: The Secret of the Supreme GoddessSaraswathi, Swami Sri Ramananda Hinduism, Vedanta
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Articles on Swami Sri Ramananda Saraswathi
 TitleSourceAuthor 1Author 2SubjectWW HTMLWW PDFExternal Link
Tripura Rahasya, Chapters 1-5Tripura Rahasya: The Secret of the Supreme GoddessSaraswathi, Swami Sri Ramananda Hinduism, Vedanta
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