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Jean-Claude Petitpierre’s life and work
This site includes Jean-Claude Petitpierre’s biography, photos, and more.
Jean-Claude Petitpierre
Jean-Claude  Petitpierre
Detailed Information on Jean-Claude Petitpierre

Biography of Jean-Claude Petitpierre

Jean-Claude Petitpierre is a Swiss Traditionalist/Perennialist. He had long associations with Frithjof Schuon, Titus Burckhardt, Martin Lings, and other important authors of Perennialist works. Petitpierre has fulfilled a variety of functions for the United Nations, including Resident Representative of the United Nations Development Programme. He has spent many years living among, and learning from, Hindu and Muslim spiritual figures. Mr. Petitpierre was interviewed for some videoclips on the life and legacy of Martin Lings and a number of topics related to the perennial philosophy.

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