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A Definition of the Perennial Philosophy
Light on the Ancient Worlds: A Brief Survey of the Book by Frithjof Schuon
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Treasures of the World's Religions
Every Branch In Me
: Who are we as "human" beings?
Insights into the early Christian Desert Fathers and Mothers
Paul Goble's World: Native Americans' relationship to all created beings
Books on Hinduism
What bridges exist between Christianity and Islam?
Ernest Thompson Seton explains "The Gospel of the Redman"
Jean Borella’s life and work
This site includes Jean Borella’s biography, photos, online articles, and more.
Jean Borella
Detailed Information on Jean Borella
WW’s Books / DVDs
Author’s Writings On-line
Biography of Jean Borella
Jean Borella taught philosophy at the University of Nancy II in France until 1995. From a Platonist foundation, he became immersed in the thought of Guénon and Eastern metaphysics. His work has been in the field of theology, religious ideas and symbolism. He is the author of several works including
Ésotérisme guénonien et mystère Chrétien
La Crise du symbolisme religieux.
Dr. Jean Borella's article "Nakedness and Sacrifice" appears in
Not of This World: Treasures of Christian Mysticism
, and "The Torn Veil" is in
The Essential Sophia
Books/DVDs containing the work of Jean Borella
Jean Borella's writing in World Wisdom books:
The article "Nakedness and Sacrifice" in
Not of This World: Treasures of Christian Mysticism
(edited by James S. Cutsinger)
The article "The Torn Veil" is in
The Essential Sophia
Jean Borella’s Writings Online
Author 1
Author 2
External Link
In this study Jean Borella responds to the contrasting views of Michael Valsan and Marco Pallis on the question of the initiatic or esoteric nature of Christianity. Valsan, following Guénon, argued that Christianity had “two lines of transmission of spiritual influences, one purely initiatic [esoteric], the other simply religious [exoteric]”, both of which “go back to the same source, and that the ordinary [exoteric] sacraments, in their sacred institution, have been somehow modeled on the form of the original rites which were purely initiatic by nature and which have remained such, but in a strictly esoteric order.” Pallis, following Schuon, argued that Christianity had abolished “the separation … between esoterism and exoterism” at the time of the crucifixion when the veil separating the inner and outer precincts of the Jewish temple was torn. Pallis claimed that the Christian sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and the Eucharist are fully initiatic and that Christianity thus has a “mixed” eso-exoteric structure, unlike other religions such as Judaism and Islam, which maintain a strict demarcation between the esoteric and exoteric domains.
The Torn Veil
The Essential Sophia
Borella, Jean
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