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What bridges exist between Christianity and Islam?
Spiritual Poetry
The Fullness of God: Frithjof Schuon on Christianity
Science and the Myth of Progress
Every Branch In Me: Who are we as "human" beings?
Insights into the early Christian Desert Fathers and Mothers
Interview with Frithjof Schuon - on Primordiality
Noble Faces, Strong Voices: Exploring "The Spirit of Indian Women"
The Sacred Worlds Series
Light on the Ancient Worlds: A Brief Survey of the Book by Frithjof Schuon
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"Earth and the great weather
Move me"

slide 7 of 14

An Eskimo song: The Great Sea

The great sea
Has sent me adrift,
It moves me as the weed in a great river,
Earth and the great weather
Move me,
Have carried me away
And move my inward parts with joy.
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