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Jack Red Cloud, Sioux


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"It was our belief that the love of possessions is a weakness to be overcome. Its appeal is to the material part, and if allowed its way it will in time disturb the spiritual balance of the man."

Ohiyesa, Sioux

"The attitude of the Indian toward death, the test and background of life, is entirely consistent with his character and philosophy. Death has no terror for him; he meets it with simplicity and perfect calm, seeking only an honorable end as his last gift to his family and descendants."


"Naturally magnanimous and open-minded, the red man prefers to believe that the Spirit of God is not breathed into man alone, but that the whole created universe is a sharer in the immortal perfection of its Maker."


For more on Ohiyesa (Charles Eastman), see the book The Essential Charles Eastman (Ohiyesa): Light on The Indian World, and the slideshow
"Who was Charles Eastman?"

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