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         James S. Cutsinger

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From the Christian side, James S. Cutsinger's talk, Hesychia, An Orthodox Opening to Esoteric Ecumenism, deals with the same challenge taken up by Reza Shah-Kazemi:  How can a believer discern real Truth within another faith while staying true to his or her own system of belief? Shah-Kazemi indicates that the Quran itself may offer some answers. Cutsinger suggests that there may be another way, one of "esoteric ecumenism," a term taken from the writing of Frithjof Schuon.

The selected clip of Cutsinger's talk defines the term "esoteric ecumenism" and reveals much of the Perennialist perspective in dealing with difficult problems of this type. Cutsinger also highlights the critical importance of answering this question well in order to avoid the denaturing tendencies of modernism when trying to reconcile two different faiths, as well as to avoid the exclusivist reactions of fundamentalism that fuel misunderstanding and even hatred.

The audio clip of Prof. Cutsinger's talk is 11 min. 28 sec. long.

To listen to this audio segment,
click on the button to the right of the title of this slideshow at the top of this window (the one that represents a person with headphones on, between the question mark and the left-pointing arrow).

If you have a slow internet connection, you may need to "pause" the audio to give it time to download, before letting it play.

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