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  Interview with Frithjof Schuon - on Spirituality Back to the List of Slideshows
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This is taken from a transcript of a 1995 interview with the
Perennialist thinker and writer Frithjof Schuon (1907-1998).

Question: You have written more than twenty books on religion and spirituality. Your first book has the title The Transcendent Unity of Religions. May I ask you how one should understand this unity?

Frithjof Schuon: Our starting point is the acknowledgment of the fact that there are diverse religions which exclude each other. This could mean that one religion is right and that all the others are false; it could mean also that all are false. In reality, it means that all are right, not in their dogmatic exclusivism, but in their unanimous inner signification, which coincides with pure metaphysics, or in other terms, with the philosophia perennis.
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