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Samhong Rinpoche
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This first-ever series of in-depth dialogues with Samdhong Rinpoche, the current Prime Minister of the Tibetan Government-in-Exile, presents his refreshing views on a wide range of pressing topics including the problems of the present political world order, the philosophy of “non-violence” (Ahimsa) and “truth-insistence” (Satyagraha), and the plight of Tibet in the face of the communist Chinese invasion. Informed throughout by his deep belief in the principles of Tibetan Buddhism, Samdhong Rinpoche holds to an uncompromising vision of the Truth¯the way the world could be if it renounced its destructive path of unprincipled pragmatism and worldly compromise.

“Samdhong Rinpoche is someone I hold in high regard. He belongs to the last generation of Tibetans that reached adulthood and accomplished a part of his monastic training before leaving Tibet. . . . Despite his genuine qualities and accomplishments, I have always found Samdhong Rinpoche to be an abstemious, reserved man. Consequently, his firm views on many issues may not be widely known outside the Tibetan community. Considering the important position he now occupies, I believe the editor of this book has done a public service in preparing this selection of Rinpoche’s observations and opinions.”
—H.H. the 14th Dalai Lama
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