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First, the little baby through the medicine man’s prayers has been given life,
Here and there, with the medicine man’s song.
For the baby the songs have been sung.
Next, the baby’s mother,
With the songs of the rain gods she has cared for the little baby.
Here and there the mother with the cloud cradle,
The little baby was cared for.
It was nice that the clouds came up like foam,
As if it was among those soft little clouds,
With this the baby was cared for.

Mother’s song to a baby, Acoma

"It is the mothers, not the warriors, who create a people and guide their destiny."

Luther Standing Bear, Oglala Lakota

"Indian people loved their children above all else, for they were the hope of the future and justification for the trials and tribulations of their parents. They guaranteed the perpetuation of the family and continued the upholding of its honor. They were a special gift from the Creator and the promise of a bright and happy future."

Mourning Dove, Salish

The heart of the family is the mother because life comes from her.

Onondaga Proverb
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