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  Paul Goble's World: Native Americans' relationship to all created beings Back to the List of Slideshows
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"We make bear sounds, talk bear language when we are in a fighting mood. Harrrnh!—and you are as good as gone."
Lame Deer, Lakota

"At one time animals and people were able to understand each other. We can still talk to the animals, just as we do to people, but they now seldom reply, excepting in dreams. Whenever we are in danger, or distress, we pray to them and they often help us.
Brings Down the Sun, Blackfoot

“The bear has a soul like ours, and his soul talks to mine in my sleep and tells me what to do.”
Bear With White Paw, Lakota

"We can still talk to the animals, just as we do to people, but they now seldom reply, excepting in dreams."

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