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Light on the Ancient Worlds: A Brief Survey of the Book by Frithjof Schuon
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Interview with Frithjof Schuon - on Spirituality
World Wisdom's Spiritual Classics series
The Sermon of All Creation: Christians on Nature
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Interview with Frithjof Schuon - on Art
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When you go to bed with a contented mind, recall the blessings and generous providence of God; be filled with holy thoughts and great joy. Then, while your body sleeps, your soul will keep watch; the closing of your eyes will bring you a true vision of God; your silence will be pregnant with sanctity, and in your sleep you will continue to glorify the God of all with the full strength of your soul.

Anthony the Great (251-356)

God always was, and always is, and always will be; or rather, God always is, for “was” and “will be” are portions of time as we reckon it, and are of a changing nature. He, however, is Eternal Being.…He gathers in Himself the whole of being, because He neither has beginning nor will He have an end. He is like some great Sea of Being, limitless and unbounded, transcending every conception of time and nature.

Gregory Nazianzus (329-389)

You are a world within a world. Become quiet and look within yourself, and see there the whole creation. Do not look at exterior things but turn all your attention to that which lies within. Gather together your whole mind within the intellectual treasure-house of your soul, and make ready for the Lord a shrine free from images.

Nilus of Ancyra (363-430)
St. Anthony's Monastery (Egypt)
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