"Typical Apache" - Apache
Sitting Bear
"Getting water"
"Maricopa woman mealing"
"Antonio Azul"
The parley
"At the ford" - Apache
Bull Neck
Sitting Owl
"Havachach Weaving"
"Sherwood Valley girl"
Blue Horse - Ogalala
"Primitive Apache home" - Apache
Rush gatherer
"Hidatsa man"
"On the Merced"
Good Day Woman - Ogalala
"Cutting mescal" - Apache
Arikara Girl
"Hidatsa bull-boat"
"Sifting basket"
"A Pomo camp"
Planning a raid
"Sacred buckskin" - Apache
Mosquito Hawk
Hidatsa mother
"A boulder milling-stone"
"In the tule swamp - Lake Pomo"
Jack Red Cloud
"Apache gaun" - Apache
Camp life
White Duck
"A southern Miwok woman"
"Pomo baskets and magnesite beads"
Ogalala girls
"Tobadzischini" - Navaho
An Assiniboin lodge
Hidatsa Woman
"Miwok head-man"
"Conception rock near Ukiah - Pomo"
Sioux girl
"Alchise" - Apache
Black Eagle
"Incense over a medicine bundle"
"Pomo dance costume"
"On the shores of the Pacific"
"An Apache Babe" - Apache
"On the war-path"
Long-time Dog
"A summer camp - Lake Pomo"
"Tolowa tattooing"
"Chief Garfield" - Jicarilla
"Sholya - Mohave girl"
"Kiho carrier"
"Elk-horn spoons"
"Jicarilla maiden" - Jicarilla
Awaiting the scouts' return
Holds The Eagle
"Primitive transportation"
"Qahatika water girl"
"Measuring shell money"
"Chief of the desert" - Navaho
Making a travois
"Crying to the spirits"
"Mohave chief"
"Qahatika village scene"
"A mat lodge"
Charles Eastman (Ohiyesa)- Santee Sioux in 1919
Atsina crazy dance : The flight of arrows
Good Bear
"Mohave home construction"
"Qahatika man"
"White Bull"
Charles Eastman (Ohiyesa) in traditional clothing.
"Hano and Walpi girls wearing atoo"
"An Owens Valley Mono"
"Quinault female"
"A young Umatilla"
Afraid of Eagle - Lower Brule Lakota
Camp gossips
"A Hopi flock"
"A Mono type"
"Quinault girl"
"Umatilla child"
American Horse - Oglala Lakota
Three White Cows
"The Delights of Childhood"
"Mono house near Independence"
"Quinault girl"
"Umatilla girl"
Bear Ghost - Yankton Nakota
"Fiesta camp"
"Grinding meal"
"Mono basketry"
"War Canoe"
"Umatilla maid"
Black Bear - Oglala Lakota
"A Cahuilla child"
"Drying pottery"
"Yan-tse - 'Willow Yellow'"
"Quinault female"
Black Bird - Oglala Lakota
"A desert Cahuilla woman"
"The plaza at Walpi"
"Pose-aye - 'Dew Moving'"
"Setting the net"
"Youth in holiday costume"
Black Foot - Absaroka
"Desert Cahuilla home"
"The weaver"
"A Nambe girl"
"Going for clams"
"A Wailaki woman"
Black Man - Arapaho
"Numero - Desert Cahuilla"
"Snake dancer and 'hugger'"
"Kwaa-Povi - 'Bead Flower'"
"Berry Picker"
Broken Arm - Oglala Lakota
"Under the palms"
"The 'catcher'"
"Mowa - 'Shining Light'"
"On the move - Spokan"
"Pachilawa - Walapai chief"
Chief Joseph Rolling Thunder - Nez Perce
"The harvester"
"Loitering at the spring"
"Offering at the waterfall"
"Spokan man"
"Walapai winter camp"
Chief Washakie - Shoshone
"A woman of Palm Springs"
"Hopi mother"
"A kiva at Nambe"
"Spokan matron"
Comes Out Holy - Oglala Lakota
"Cayuse type"
"Snake priest"
"Pukimanstula - Spokan"
Conquering Bear - Oglala Lakota
"Falling On The Land"
"Hupa woman"
"Waterproof parkas"
"Typical Spokan woman"
Crazy Thunder - Oglala Lakota
"Cayuse matron"
"Hupa purses and money"
"Girl's costume"
"Flathead buffalo-skin lodge"
"Piopio-maksmaks, profile"
Black Cap's Procupine Tipi - Kiowa
"Cayuse mother and child"
"Hupa house"
"Holiday costume"
"Nine Pipes - Flathead"
"Datsolali, Washo basket-maker"
Elk Lodge (1900) - Blackfoot
"Cayuse woman"
"Hupa matron"
"Fish-drying racks"
"Not Indian - Flathead"
"Scraping a deerskin"
Heating and Ventilating the Tipi
"Learning to ride"
"Hupa fisherman"
"Kaiak with seal hunting equipment"
"Ahlahlemila - Flathead"
"A Wichita matron"
Ground Plan of a Tipi
"With her proudly decked horse"
"White deerskin dance costume"
"Ready for the throw"
"Jerking meat - Flathead"
"Old grass-house"
Beads - Oglala Lakota
"Cayuse warrior"
"Watching for salmon"
"A Nunivak hunter"
"Drying meat - Flathead"
"Wichita mortar"
Carries the War Staff - Apsaroke
"A favorite Cheyenne costume"
"Hupa war-chief"
"Flathead horse trappings"
"Peeling pumpkins"
Many Horses with son - Hunkpapa Lakota
"Francisca Chiwiwi"
"Peach harvest"
Good Women and Strikes Plenty - Oglala Lakota
"Cheyenne matron"
"An Isleta boy"
"Ceremonial mask"
"Okuwa-tsire - 'Cloud Bird'"
"A Wichita dancer"
Holds the Pipe - Kiowa
"Sun dance pledgers"
"An Isleta girl"
"The ivory carver"
"Eagle dancer"
"A Wichita man"
Lucy Pierre and daughter - Flathead
"Cutting the centre pole"
"Through the cañon"
"Tablita woman dancer"
"Walter Ross"
Wife of American Horse - Oglala Lakota
"Offering pipe to the earth"
"Isleta man"
"Yebichai sweat"
"Tablita dance 'B'"
Unknown Indian Women - Cayuse
"Crazy dancers"
"Isleta kiva"
"Chief of the desert"
"Povi-yemo - 'Flower Falling'"
"Whishham beadwork"
Unknown Indian Women - Klamath
"Building the sun lodge"
"An Isleta potter"
"Pounding fish"
Unknown Indian Women - Oglala Lakota
"Cheyenne young woman"
"Chief Garfield"
"Chief Joseph"
"Povi-Tamu ("Flower Morning")"
"Salmon fishing"
Wife of Louis Sitting Bull - Hunkpapa Lakota
"Cheyenne girl"
"Jicarilla maiden"
"Raven Blanket"
"Tse-ka - 'Douglas Spruce Leaf', cacique of San Juan"
Unknown Beadworker - Apsaroke
"A Jicarilla feast march"
"Nez Perce babe"
"Good luck dance by San Juan hunters"
"Wishham basket worker"
Manjushri, the Bodhisattva of Wisdom
"Camp in the cottonwoods"
"Hilltop camp"
"Nez Perce warrior"
"Winnowing wheat"
"Wishham man"
Amida Nyorai
"A Chipewyan tipi"
"Karok house at Soames bar"
"Nez Perce matron"
"Street scene"
"The mush-basket"
"Grizzly-Bear Ferocious"
"The harvest"
"A Chipewyan woman"
"Karok woman"
"No Wings"
"Washing wheat"
"Wishham child"
Kalachakra monogram
"Berry-pickers in camp"
"Old Bob"
"Three Eagles"
"Ambrosio Martinez"
"Wishham bowl"
Monks in Bhutan, awaiting HH the Je Kempo
"Santana Quintana"
"A Kato woman"
"Nez Perce girl"
"Wishham handicraft"
Taktsang ("Tiger's Lair") Monastery near Paro, Bhutan
"A Kato matron"
"Last home of Joseph"
"A Santo Domingo man"
A view of Bhutan from the Chendebji chorten
"Nez Perce sweat-lodge"
"Sotsona - 'Fox'"
"Wife of Mnainak"
The Htilominlo Temple, Old Bagan, Burma
"A Cochiti woman"
"Klamath child"
"Nez Perce canoe"
"Pishkuty - 'Cornstalk'"
Coronation of the Virgin
"Tyo'oni Shiwanna mask"
"Thinking of the old days"
"Noatak village"
"Mat lodge"
"Gathering basket material"
"At Noatak village"
"Aki-tanni - 'Two Guns'"
"Drying piage"
Lindisfarne Gospel
"Praying to the spirits of Crater Lake"
"The seal-hunter"
"A Sasri women"
"Mnainak - A Yakima chief"
Maesta, Simone Martini
"Comanche mothers"
"Klamath tule hut"
"Noatak man"
"A young Yakima"
San Marco
"A little Comanche"
"Grinding wokas"
"Noatak child"
"A Sarsi kitchen"
"Yakima boy"
The Deesis
"A Comanche child"
"A Klamath head-dress"
"Bark dishes"
"Missi-tsatsa - 'Owl Old-woman'"
A river camp
Vladimir Virgin
"A Cowichan mask"
"Tsaaassi-mis-salla 'Crow with Necklace'"
Gray Bear
"Achomawi woman"
"Warrior's scalp head-dress"
"Klickitat type"
"Family group"
"Muwu 'His Tooth'"
Yellow Horse
"Achomawi summer hut"
"Gathering tules"
"Klickitat profile"
"Noatak kayaks"
"A Sarsi camp"
Good Voice Hawk
"Achomawi mother and child"
"Tying the bundle"
"On the Selawik River"
"The Yuma"
"Achomawi basket-maker"
"Calling a moose"
"A Nootka belle"
"Yuma maiden"
"The Acoma and the enchanted mesa"
"A Cree"
"Selawik women"
"A Yuma home"
"A morning chat"
"Cree fishing camp"
"The beluga"
"Fastening the harpoon point"
"Selawik woman"
"A Yuma"
"An Acoma man"
"Isqe-sis - 'Woman Small' - and child"
"Cutting up a beluga"
"By the sea"
"Selawik girl"
"Yurok houses at Weitspus"
"Among the rocks"
"Mawinehikis - 'Tries-to-excel'"
"Umiak frame"
"Dancing Mask"
"Entrance to a Yurok sweat-house"
"Fiesta of San Estevan"
"A Cree girl"
"The umiak"
"The bear costume"
"Skokomish baskets"
"An ancient Yurok"
"Acoma from the south"
"A Cree canoe"
"A Kotzebue man"
"Oldest man of Nootka"
"Weitchpec George"
"Old trail at Acoma"
"Frame of the sponsor's tipi, Cree sun-dance"
"Jackson, interpreter at Kotzebue"
"Nootka woman wearing cedar-bark blanket"
"Chief's daughter"
"A Yurok cemetery"
"An Acoma Woman"
"A Santa Ysabel woman"
"Shores of Nootka Sound"
"Fishing camp"
"Yurok fishermen"
"Communal ceremonial shelter at Capitan Grande"
"Kutenai woman"
"Captured whale"
"In the shadow"
"An Apache Babe"
"A Capitan Grande man"
"Not Grizzly-bear"
"Nootka method of spearing"
"Fishing for smelt in the surf"
"Typical Apache"
"A Capitan Grande woman"
"Dressing skins"
"At the ford"
"Hooper Bay homes"
"Kutenai maiden"
"Seeing High"
"A mat shelter"
"A Zuni house shrine"
"Primitive Apache home"
"Kutenai girls at the lake-shore"
"Standing On The Earth"
"Woman's costume"
"Zuni gardens"
"Cutting mescal"
"Food caches"
"Kutenai canoe"
"Oto puberty lodge"
"Cheyenne Child"
"Zuni water carriers"
"Sacred buckskin"
"A grave-post"
"Wife of Wakonda"
"Cheyenne baby-carrier"
"Apache gaun"
"King Island"
"Kutenai camp"
"White Elk"
"Old Crow"
"Zuni ornaments"
"Apache-Mohave homes"
A fair breeze
"A little Oto"
"Wife of Old Crow"
"An Apache-Mohave woman"
The octopus catcher
"Black Wolf"
"A Zuni governor"
Hide scraping
"The bow-drill"
Tsawatenok girl
"Old Eagle"
"Red Bird"
"Zuni street scene"
Apsaroke mother
"Village at Little Diomede"
"Sun dance lodge"
"Grinding medicine"
"Walrus boats, Big Diomede in distance"
"The Papago potter"
"Sun dancers"
"Load of fuel"
Bird On The Ground
"Drying walrus hide"
"Papago matron"
"Buffalo dancers, animal dance"
"Zuni woman"
A burial platform
"Gathering hanamh"
"Lone Chief"
"Diomede girl"
"Pavaish - Pyramid Lake Paviotso"
"Black Belly"
Painting 1
"For strength and visions"
Painting a hat
"Paviotso basketry"
"A corner of Taos and a kiva entrance"
Painting 2
Hairy Moccasins
"Launching the boat"
"Su-donii - 'Osier-willow blossom'"
"In the forest"
Apsaroke war-chief
"Diomede boat crew, Asiatic shore in distance"
Koskimo house-post
"Fishing with a gaff-hook"
"Threshing wheat"
White Man Runs Him
"Home structure"
Masked dancers
"Piegan lodge"
Tapa - 'Antelope Water'
"Custer's Crow Scouts"
"Start of whale hunt"
"A buffalo-fall"
"Walvia - 'Medicine Root'"
"In Black Cañon"
"A Maidu woman"
"war-bonnet and coup-stick"
"Iahla - 'Willow'"
Taj Mahal
"A smoke"
"A Maidu man"
"Lodge interior"
"A Taos girl"
Al-Azhar Mosque, Cairo
"The ancient Arapaho"
"A Haida of Massett"
"A Maidu boy"
"The Grizzly-bear"
"A Taos maid"
The mihrab of the Great Mosque of Córdoba
"Arapaho maiden"
"Slate carvings representing a Haida shaman"
Yellow Owl
"Overlooking the camp"
Red Cloud - Ogalala
Shah Mosque in Isfahan, Iran
"Arapaho youth"
"A Haida shaman's rattle"
"Spotted Bull"
Crow Dog - Brule
The Malwiya minaret of the Great Mosque of Samarra
"Arapaho camp"
"Raven chief of Skidegate"
Mandan earthen lodge
"Piegan dancers"
Wood gatherer
Niger Dunes
"Eagle Chief"
"A Haida girl"
Mandan bull-boat
"The Whistler"
Niger Mosque
"Arapaho water girl"
"Haida chief's tomb at Yan"
Buffalo-berry gatherers
"A child's lodge"
Brule war-party
Touareg women
"Mother and child"
"Haida of Massett"
Record of custodians of a turtle-drum
Mother and child
Touareg 1
In the medicine-lodge
"Haida of Kung"
The sacred turtles
Tipi construction (A)
Touareg 2
Arikara medicine-lodge
"Havasupai cliff dwelling"
Packs Wolf As Numak-Mahana
"Pima granaries"
Touareg 3
Arikara medicine ceremony : The buffalo
"Hipah with arrow-brush"
"Gathering arrow-brush"
Huka-Lowapi, Painting the skull
Ben Ezra Synagoge, Cairo
Arikara medicine ceremony : Night men dancing
"Havasupai basket maker"
"Fruit gatherer"
"Gathering cactus fruit"
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