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Select Bibliography for Further Reading on Shin Buddhism

Select Bibliography for Further Reading on Shin Buddhism

This bibliography appears in the World Wisdom publication
Living in Amida's Universal Vow: Essays in Shin Buddhism,
edited by Alfred Bloom in 2004. It is intended as a resource
for further reading on Shin Buddhism.

Bloom, Alfred, Shinran’s Gospel of Pure Grace. Ann Arbor MI: Association for Asian Studies, 1965, 1991.

———.The Promise of Boundless Compassion: Shin Buddhism for Today. Honolulu: Buddhist Study Center Press, 2002.

Dobbins, James, Jodo Shinshu: Shin Buddhism in Medieval Japan. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 1989.

Hisao Inagaki, The Three Pure Land Sutras. Kyoto: Nagata Bunshodo, 1994.

Jodo Shinshu Hongwanji-Ha, The Collected Writings of Shinran. 2 vols. Kyoto, 1997.

Matsunaga, Daigan And Alicia, The Foundations of Japanese Buddhism. 2 vols. Los Angeles: Buddhist Books International, 1974, 1976.

Tabrah, Ruth, The Monk Who Dared. Honolulu: Press Pacifica, 1995.

———.The Monk’s Wife. Honolulu: Buddhist Study Center Press, 2001.

Taitetsu Unno, River of Fire, River of Water. New York: Doubleday Dell Publishing Group, 1998.

———.Tannisho: A Shin Buddhist Classic. Honolulu: Buddhist Study Center Press, 1996.

———.Shin Buddhism: Bits of Rubble Turn into Gold. New York: Doubleday, 2002.

Tamura Yoshiro, Japanese Buddhism: A Cultural History. Tokyo: Kosei Publishing Co., 2000.

Tanaka, Kenneth K., Ocean: An Introduction to Jodo Shinshu Buddhism in America. Berkeley: Ocean-Wisdom Publications, 1997.

Ueda Yoshifumi and Dennis Hirota, Shinran: An Introduction to His Thought. Kyoto: Hongwanji International Center, 1989.