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Edward Curtis Online Image Gallery Holdings: 550 images    
This site includes Edward Curtis Image Gallery with apache, Jicarilla, Navaho, Qahatika, and more
Achomawi Cree Klickitat Oto Taos
Acoma Diegueno Kotzebue Papago Teton Sioux
Apache Eskimo of Hooper Bay Kutenai Paviotso Tolowa
Apache-Mohave Eskimo of King Island Kwakiutl Piegan Umatilla
Apsaroke Eskimo of Little Diomede Island Maidu Pima Wailaki
Arapaho Eskimo of Prince of Wales Island Mandan Pomo Walapai
Arikara Haida Maricopa Qahatika Wallawalla
Assiniboin Havasupai Miwok Quinault Washo
Atsina Hidatsa Mohave Salishan tribes of the interior Wichita
Cahuilla Hopi Mono San Ildefonso Wishham
Cayuse Hupa Nambe San Juan Yakima
Cheyenne Isleta Nanivak Santo Domingo Yanktonai
Chipewyan Jicarilla Navaho Sasri Yuma
Cochiti Karok Nez Perces Selawik Yurok
Comanche Kato Noatak Skokomish Zuni
Cowichan Klamath Nootka Southern Cheyenne
Click this icon to purchase the image as an art print. Click any image to enlarge and to see a slide show. Click any category to view thumbnail images.

Page: [1] 2 3 4 5 ... of 11 pages

"Achomawi woman"

"Achomawi summer hut"

"Achomawi mother and child"

"Achomawi basket-maker"


"The Acoma and the enchanted mesa"

"A morning chat"

"An Acoma man"

"Among the rocks"

"Fiesta of San Estevan"

"Acoma from the south"

"Old trail at Acoma"

"An Acoma Woman"


"Typical Apache"

"At the ford"

"Primitive Apache home"

"Cutting mescal"

"Sacred buckskin"

"Apache gaun"


"An Apache Babe"


"Apache-Mohave homes"

"An Apache-Mohave woman"


Hide scraping

Apsaroke mother


Bird On The Ground

A burial platform


"For strength and visions"

Hairy Moccasins

Apsaroke war-chief

White Man Runs Him

"Custer's Crow Scouts"

"In Black Cañon"


"A smoke"

"The ancient Arapaho"

"Arapaho maiden"

"Arapaho youth"

"Arapaho camp"

"Eagle Chief"

"Arapaho water girl"

"Mother and child"


In the medicine-lodge

Arikara medicine-lodge

Arikara medicine ceremony : The buffalo

Arikara medicine ceremony : Night men dancing

Sitting Bear

Bull Neck

Rush gatherer

Arikara Girl

 Edward Curtis Online Image Gallery(550) Page: of 11 pages
To view more images click any category below.
Assiniboin Haida Mandan Piegan Teton Sioux
Atsina Havasupai Maricopa Pima Tolowa
Cahuilla Hidatsa Miwok Pomo Umatilla
Cayuse Hopi Mohave Qahatika Wailaki
Cheyenne Hupa Mono Quinault Walapai
Chipewyan Isleta Nambe Salishan tribes of the interior Wallawalla
Cochiti Jicarilla Nanivak San Ildefonso Washo
Comanche Karok Navaho San Juan Wichita
Cowichan Kato Nez Perces Santo Domingo Wishham
Cree Klamath Noatak Sasri Yakima
Diegueno Klickitat Nootka Selawik Yanktonai
Eskimo of Hooper Bay Kotzebue Oto Skokomish Yuma
Eskimo of King Island Kutenai Papago Southern Cheyenne Yurok
Eskimo of Little Diomede Island Kwakiutl Paviotso Taos Zuni
Eskimo of Prince of Wales Island Maidu

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