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Biography of Venkataraman Raghavan
This site includes Venkataraman Raghavan’s biography, photos, online articles, and more.
Venkataraman Raghavan (1908-1979) was an Indian scholar and custodian of traditional Indian culture for the better part of the twentieth century. Raghavan was known as a Sanskrit scholar who wrote on many aspects of Sanskrit literture. Writing under the name “V. Raghavan,” he authored The Concept of the Beautiful in Sanskrit Literature, as well as other pieces on Sanskrit. One book that examines his writings on the practice of invocation and on Indian culture is The Power of the Sacred Name: V. Raghavan's Studies in Namasiddhanta and Indian Culture . Raghavan was also a respected musicologist who specialized in Carnatic music. He also composed music.
Dr. Raghavan was very influential in spreading his interest in the language and music of Indian culture to many others. In memorializing him, one writer stated: “The name of Raghavan is a legend in the revival of studies into ancient Indian culture. When our country had lost its memories of the past, Dr. Raghavan brought back the original thoughts. Those of us who had no identity, because of our English education, began to look into the Indian soul through the writings of this man who is more than a Professor of Sanskrit, but perhaps a doyen of renewed consciousness. What has he not taught us: classical music, the most ancient dances and some of the wisdom of the forest books….” Raghavan was the secretary of the Music Academy, Madras, from 1944 until his death in 1979.
Dr. V. Raghavan is the author of the World Wisdom title The Power of the Sacred Name as well as the forewrod to Language of the Self, by Frithjof Schuon.
V. Raghavan's contributions to World Wisdom books:
V. Raghavan (1908-1979) wrote this "Foreword" to Frithjof Schuon's book Language of the Self. It appeared in the first edition in India, and then later in World Wisdom's 1999 edition. The foreword summarizes Schuon's perspective in a number of areas as divergent as the transcendent unity of religions, the modern world, metaphysics, and his approach to and appreciation of Hinduism.
| Foreword to Language of the Self | Language of the Self | Raghavan, Venkataraman | | Guénon, René, Hinduism, Perennial Philosophy, Schuon, Frithjof, Tradition, Vedanta |
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