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Timothy Scott’s life and work
This site includes Timothy Scott’s biography, photos, online articles, links, and more.
Timothy Scott is founder and Executive Editor of the journal Eye of the Heart, based in Bendigo, Australia. In addition, Dr. Scott is a regular contributor to the traditionalist journals Sacred Web and Sophia, often writing on various aspects of symbolism and Tradition.
Scott received an undergraduate degree at La Trobe University (Bendigo), and moved to Germany in 2000, where he continued work on his doctorate. He moved to the UK in 2003, where he taught Religious Studies at Oxford High School. In 2004, he received his doctorate from La Trobe University. Dr. Scott's thesis was titled Symbolism of the Ark, which is scheduled to be published by Fons Vitae. He and his family returned to Australia in 2007.
At Latrobe University, Dr. Scott is not only Executive Editor of Eye of the Heart, but also tutors in Greek Myth, and conducts research. His page on the University's web site describes his research interests as: "The universal language of traditional symbolism with a particular focus on biblical symbolism; traditional metaphysics (Plato, Shankara, Ibn ‘Arabi et al); the mystical traditions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam (the Zohar, Meister Eckhart, Ibn al-‘Arabi); sacred art; comparative religion; the traditionalist school of perennialism (Guénon, Coomaraswamy, Schuon et al)."
Timothy Scott's contributions to World Wisdom books include:
- "The Logic of Mystery and the Necessity of Faith" in The Betrayal of Tradition
- "Withdrawal, Extinction, and Creation: Christ’s Kenosis in Light of the Judaic Doctrine of Tsimtsum and the Islamic Doctrine of Fana" in The Essential Sophia
- "'Made in the Image”: Schuon’s Theomorphic Anthropology'" in Sacred Web 20
First published in Vincit Omnia Veritas (1.2, 2005), this essay by Timothy Scott offers an overview of how traditionalist/perennialist writers think in regard to traditional art. Citing mostly A.K. Coomaraswamy and Schuon, Scott familiarizes the reader with the central concepts necessary to understand how these writers view traditional art, and thus modern art by contrast. He concludes: "In the final analysis Traditional art can be summed up thus: God, in creating the Universe, is the Divine Artist. The human is made in the image of God. Thus everything we do is an act of creation and a work of art. The Divine art is the creation of the human; the art of the human is, as a reflective image, the 'creation' or recognition of the Divine. This is the purpose and the end of humankind. All art is strictly a science and a craft. In its highest form it is the science and craft of the Beautiful, the Ideal or principle of all beauty. Its purpose is always the return of the human to the Origin through contemplation, meditation, and action, which find their perfection in participation."
| A brief introduction to the 'Traditional Doctrine of Art' | Vincit Omnia Veritas. 1,2 | Scott, Timothy | | Art |
"This paper considers the idea of the elite, or elect, with respect to the problems of
Predestination and the notion of the exclusivity of esotericism. It is our opinion that the
questions raised here can only be resolved in light of the metaphysical knowledge that is
the proper subject of esotericism, where, as said, this is understood as the sophia
perennis. Frithjof Schuon stands as the pre-eminent voice of the sophia perennis for our
day and age and it is thus that this paper is largely a reiteration of what he has said on
these points. For himself, Schuon would undoubtedly admit that what he has said is in
turn a reiteration of the perennial teachings of the world’s great Traditions."
| The Elect and the Predestination of Knowledge -- ‘Esoterism’ and ‘Exclusivism’: A Schuonian Perspective | Vincit Omnia Veritas (III,2), on the journal's website at religioperennis.org | Scott, Timothy | | Metaphysics |
Timothy Scott summarizes the theme of his essay in this way: "Traditional symbolism is the formal language of the Divine to the human. It is like a treasure house of the world’s sacred knowledge. However, in light of rampant modern confusions, the idea of the symbol has been robbed of its transcendent value and mangled into something trapped within the lower realms of our psychic being. The modern symbol is become something of the 'sub-conscious' which, if this has any meaning at all, implies something subhuman. Furthermore modern symbolism has degenerated into an arbitrary game rather than the exact science of Traditional understanding. It is not my intention [in this essay] to provide a critique of the modern understanding of symbol but rather to offer an exposition of the Traditional view of 'symbol.'"
| The Traditional Doctrine of Symbol | religioperennis.org | Scott, Timothy | | Symbolism |
Excerpted from the anthology The Betrayal of Tradition, "This essay presents a comparison of the religious and the modern understandings of the nature of Reality. The aim is to show that it is only from the metaphysical perspective–the intellectual understanding of the religious viewpoint–that Reality can be understood in a manner that is logically sound. According to this position faith is fundamental to an understanding of the nature of Reality."
| The Logic of Mystery and the Necessity of Faith | The Betrayal of Tradition: Essays on the Spiritual Crisis of Modernity, posted on Eye of the Heart journal's website | Scott, Timothy | | Metaphysics |
In this article Timothy Scott presents a detailed cosmogonic reading of a New Testament passage referring to Christ’s “emptying” or kenosis: “he emptied himself, taking the form of a slave, becoming as human beings are” (Philippians 2:7). Scott draws on the Jewish Kabbalistic doctrine of tsimtsum (the “concentration” of En-Sof, the “Limitless” or Divine Infinitude), the Islamic Sufi idea of fana (“extinction”), and the Hindu and Buddhist notion of nirvana to present an alternative to the creatio ex nihilo (“creation out of nothing”) argument.
| Withdrawal, Extinction and Creation | The Essential Sophia | Scott, Timothy | | Christianity |
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The journal Eye of the Heart has an excellent listing of online articles in pdf format that should be of interest to readers of traditionalist/perennialist writing. Their archive of online articles by Dr Scott has numerous essays and other writings he has produced over the years.
A more complete biography and listing of publications can be found on Dr. Scott's page on the Latrobe University website. |