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Books Featuring Anandamayi Ma |
Sri Anandamayi Ma’s life and work
This site includes Sri Anandamayi Ma’s biography, photos, online articles, and more.
Sri Anandamayi Ma (1896-1982) was one of the great Hindu saints of the 20th century. She was born in present-day Bangladesh. As a person of remarkable piety, sanctity, and wisdom, she came to the notice of both simple people and famous figures of India. During her long life, Anandamayi Ma traveled a great deal and assisted in the building or establishment of numerous ashrams and places of worship. Although born into a family that worshiped Vishnu, she became a devotee of Shiva. Her beatific presence and words of wisdom won her many followers and spread her renown. Many of Anandamayi Ma's sayings were written down and recorded in books.
The Essential Sri Anandamayi Ma is a concise and sensitive biography of Anandamayi Ma with important selections from her oral teachings, and many beautiful photos.