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Books Featuring Bendeck Sotillos |
Samuel Bendeck Sotillos: Life and Work
This site includes Samuel Bendeck Sotillos’s biography, photos, and more.
Detailed Information on Samuel Bendeck Sotillos
Samuel Bendeck Sotillos is a Board Affiliate of the Association for Humanistic Psychology (AHP), an Advisor to the Institute of Traditional Psychology, and has worked for several years in the field of mental health, covering a broad spectrum of disorders in various psychiatric settings. He has published in numerous journals, including Sacred Web, Sophia, Parabola, Resurgence, Temenos Academy Review, and Studies in Comparative Religion. Mr. Bendeck Sotillos’s work includes a number of notable in-depth reviews of contemporary Traditionalist/Perennialist books. He currently lives in Carmel, California.
Samuel Bendeck Sotillos is the editor of the forthcoming Psychology and the Perennial Philosophy: Studies in Comparative Religion volume.