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Peter Samsel’s life and work
This site includes Peter Samsel’s biography, photos, links, and more.
Peter Samsel is an independent scholar with wide-ranging interests in traditional metaphysics, symbolism, science, and art. Dr Samsel is the editor of the World Wisdom collection A Treasury of Sufi Wisdom: The Path of Unity. An additional contribution to World Wisdom books is his article, “A Unity with Distinctions: Parallels in the Thought of Gregory Palamas and Ibn al-Arabi,” which is singular in its detailed delineation of the profound parallels between Christian and Islamic mystical theologies. It appears in the volume Paths to the Heart: Sufism and the Christian East, edited by James Cutsinger.
Peter Samsel holds a doctorate in theoretical physics and is the author of articles and review essays in Parabola, Sophia: The Journal of Traditional Studies, and Sacred Web: A Journal of Tradition and Modernity. An article by Dr Samsel on the Sufi metaphysics of Divine unity drawn from the Islamic testimony of faith, titled “The First Pillar of Islam,” was selected by Parabola for their Parabola in the Classroom collection of scholarly articles for educators.
Books and Articles by Peter Samsel for World Wisdom:
There is a good online article about Peter Samsel, his book A Treasury of Sufi Wisdom: The Path of Unity, and Sufism. The article is by Ken Chitwood, a scholar of religion, a Lutheran theologian, a pastor, and a popular speaker, and it is found on his website. To read the article, click here. For the entire, unedited interview upon which the article is based you can read the unedited interview here, in pdf format.