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Mark Perry’s life and work
This site includes Mark Perry’s biography, photos, online articles, and more.
Mark Perry is an author and professional translator. Although of American parents, he was born in Cairo, Egypt, in 1951 and raised in Switzerland close to Frithjof Schuon. He is the son of eminent American Perennialist author Whitall Perry. He is the author of the book On Awakening and Remembering (Fons Vitae, 2000). Perry is currently in the process of updating the translations of all of Frithjof Schuon’s books from the original French into the English language, and has also translated a large number of Schuon’s French and German letters. Perry has authored a book for World Wisdom, The Mystery of Individuality: Grandeur and Delusion of the Human Condition, that was published in 2012.
The first new translation of one of Schuon's books, Form and Substance in the Religions, that was done by Perry was published by World Wisdom in July 2002. This book as a totality had not appeared in English, although the individual chapters from the book have been published in various other works by Mr. Schuon.
Mark Perry’s article, “The Forbidden Door” appeared in World Wisdom’s anthology of spiritual anthropology entitled, Every Branch In Me: Essays On The Meaning Of Man . The book is part of World Wisdom’s Perennial Philosophy series. Perry has also contributed articles to the French metaphysical quarterly Connaissance des Religions, including “De la nescience divine” and more recently, “Frithjof Schuon par son écriture” (Juillet-Octobre 1999). That article also appeared in English as “Frithjof Schuon Seen Through his Handwriting” in the journal Sophia (Vol. 6, #1, Summer 2000). Mr. Perry’s article entitled “La compassion intellective” appeared in France in the collection Dossier H: Frithjof Schuon ( Lausanne: Les Editions de l'Age d'Homme, 2001).
Perry’s recent book, On Awakening and Remembering, borrows from the teachings of both Western and Eastern mystics—who point to the same celestial goal. He writes about the miracle of human consciousness so that, to paraphrase Aristotle, the soul can become all that it knows. Of On Awakening Huston Smith wrote in the book's Preface: “Few writings in recent years have done as much to further—in ways that makes life feel different—my understanding of the ultimate nature of things. Perry's thoughts are as advanced as one will find anywhere—this is clearly the higher mathematics of the human spirit.”
Mark Perry's writings that have appeared World Wisdom products: