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Author Marilyn Rouvelas: Life and Work
This site includes Marilyn Rouvelas’s biography, photos, and more.
Marilyn Rouvelas is the author of several books for children. She is the co-author, with Father John Chryssavgis, of the Wisdom Tales book Saint Anthony the Great. The book, illustrated by Isabelle Brent, is an inspiring biography for children of an important figure (ca. 251–356) in early Christian history and one of the best known of the Desert Fathers and Mothers.
Ms. Rouvelas has co-written, with Jeanette Aydlette, a number of books in a series published by Holy Cross Orthodox Press called The Silent Way: A Series about Passions and Stillness. The first two books, Peter Clashes with Anger (2012) and Eleni Looks at Jealousy (2012), and an upcoming third book, The Truth about Lying, are aimed at helping children understand when their feelings get out-of-control (“passions”) and the power of being quiet and still to calm themselves. The Silent Way books convey a universal wisdom about silence and self-conrol that many faiths emphasize and value.
Marilyn Rouvelas’s work appearing in World Wisdom books:
- Saint Anthony the Great (co-author, with Rev. Dr. John Chryssavgis)
- Silver Midwest Book Award in the category “Illustration – Graphic”