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Keith Critchlow’s life and work
This site includes Keith Critchlow’s biography, photos, slideshows, bibliography, links, and more.
Dr. Keith Critchlow is the cofounder of the journal Temenos, as well as the author of numerous books on sacred geometry, including Order in Space and Time Stands Still. He is Professor Emeritus at The Prince’s School of Traditional Arts in London, and a former professor of Islamic Art at the Royal College of Art. Prof. Critchlow, a leading expert in sacred architecture, also founded Kairos, a society that investigates, studies, and promotes traditional values of art and science.
Prof. Critchlow's contributions to World Wisdom's books on sacred art include such pieces as his forewords to Titus Burckhardt's extraordinary work Chartres and the Birth of the Cathedral (revised), and the compilation of Burckhardt's writings on Christian art in general, The Foundations of Christian Art: Illustrated (edited by Michael Fitzgerald), which won a Midwest Book Gold Award and a Benjamin Franklin Silver Award. In addition, Keith Critchlow wrote a foreword to the book of Frithjof Schuon's writings on sacred art, Art from the Sacred to the Profane: East and West (edited by Catherine Schuon).
Prof. Keith Critchlow's work featured in World Wisdom's books:
The following books have been written or edited by Keith Critchlow:
Time Stands Still : New Light on Megalithic Science. London : Gordon Fraser Gallery, 1979; revised edition, Edinburgh : Floris, 2007.
Order in Space. London : Thames & Hudson, 2000 (Originally published: 1969).
Islamic Patterns : An Analytical and Cosmological Approach . London : Thames and Hudson, 1976; Inner Traditions, 1999.
Keith Critchlow and Jon Allen, The Whole Question of Health : An Enquiry into Architectural First Principles in the Designing of Health-Care Buildings. London : The Prince of Wales's Institute of Architecture, c1994.
Issam El-Said, Islamic Art and Architecture : The System of Geometric Design, edited by Tarek El-Bouri & Keith Critchlow. Reading : Garnet, 1993.
Research : Principles, Policy and Practice. London : Prince of Wales's Institute of Architecture, 1993.
The Soul as Sphere & Androgyne. Ipswich : Golgonooza Press, c1980.
Earth Mysteries : A Study in Patterns, edited by Keith Critchlow. London : Research into Lost Knowledge Organisation Trust, 1978.
Into the Hidden Environment. Oceans; Lifestream of Our Planet. London : G. Philip, 1972.
The page on Prof. Keith Critchlow on Wikipedia has additional biographical facts and links.
The Temenos Academy explains its origins, in which Dr. Critchlow played a seminal role, in this way: "In 1980 the poet and scholar Kathleen Raine, together with Keith Critchlow, Brian Keeble and Philip Sherrard, launched Temenos, a journal devoted to the Arts of the Imagination. The journal sought to give space to poets, artists, writers and thinkers who subscribed to the belief that man is firstly a spiritual creature with spiritual needs which have to be nourished if we are to fulfil our potential and be happy.…From these early beginnings the Temenos Academy was launched in 1990 as a teaching organisation dedicated to the same central idea that had inspired the Journal."
Dr. Critchlow founded Kairos, "an educational charity specifically founded to promote the recovery of traditional (perennial) values in the Arts and Sciences." The Kairos website has additional biographical information on Keith Critchlow, as well as announcements on the foundation's activities.