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Jennifer Casey’s life and work
This site includes Jennifer Casey’s biography, photos, slideshows, and more.
Jennifer Casey knew Thomas Yellowtail, the Crow Sun Dance chief, through Yellowtail’s adopted son, Michael Fitzgerald. She made her first visit to the Crow reservation at the age of seventeen. For over 35 years she traveled to many Plains Indian reservations and met with numerous tribal leaders and Sun Dance chiefs. When approached to do a documentary on the Crow-Shoshone Sun Dance, Mrs. Casey suggested using the words of Thomas Yellowtail for the narration as she knew that his was an undeniably authoritative voice to describe and explain the Crow-Shoshone Sun Dance. She also wanted the documentary to reflect Yellowtail’s personality-his gentle, yet powerful and profound spiritual nature, because she knew that “…his personality was really inseparable from the spiritual atmosphere one senses when attending a Sun Dance.”
Jennifer Casey is the director of the following World Wisdom documentaries: Native Spirit and The Sun Dance Way, and Frithjof Schuon: Messenger of the Perennial Philosophy. She also wrote and directed the 49-minute documentary Origins of the Perennialist School, which can be viewed on the World Wisdom website or on youtube.
Jennifer Casey lives with her husband in Bloomington, Indiana.
DVD and online video projects directed by Jennifer Casey:
- Origins of the Perennialist School (free online video), written and directed by Jennifer Casey, produced by Michael Fitzgerald, 2016.
- Frithjof Schuon: Messenger of the Perennial Philosophy (DVD), directed by Jennifer Casey, 2012.
- The Sun Dance Way (DVD), directed by Jennifer Casey, produced by Michael Fitzgerald, 2006.
- Official Selection for the “Montreal First Peoples’ Festival”
- Official Selection for the “American Indian Film Festival”
- Native Spirit (DVD), directed by Jennifer Casey, produced by Michael Fitzgerald, 2007.
- Official Selection for the “American Indian Film Festival”
- Official Selection for the “Talking Stick Film Festival”