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Jean-Pierre Lafouge’s life and work
This site includes Jean-Pierre Lafouge’s biography, photos, online articles, and more.
Jean-Pierre LaFouge is Associate Professor of French at Marquette University. His academic career took him to the United States where he obtained a Ph.D. in French literature, specializing in nineteenth and seventeen century French and Orientalist Literature. He is the author of several articles dealing with the relationship between art, Orientalism, philosophy and literature. Jean-Pierre LaFouge has also published a book on Eugène Fromentin and is presently assisting in the revision of French to English translations of the writings of Frithjof Schuon. He is also the editor of For God’s Greater Glory: Gems Of Jesuit Spirituality .
For God's Greater Glory: Gems of Jesuit Spirituality (World Wisdom, 2006)
Etude Sur L'Orientalisme D'Eugene Fromentin Dans Ses "Recits Algeriens" (Peter Lang Pub Inc, 1989)