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Jean C. Cooper: Life and Work
This site includes Jean C Cooper’s biography, photos, online articles, bibliography, and more.
Jean C. Cooper was born at Chefoo in North China. Descended from a branch of the English nobility, she was brought up by Chinese amahs to understand Taoism, Confucianism, and Buddhism, the three religions of China. She went to a British school at Kuling in the mountains of Lushan, traveled the world with her parents, and finished her education at boarding school in England. Cooper read Philosophy at St. Andrew’s University and lectured on Comparative Religion, Philosophy, and Symbolism, chiefly in adult education. She lived with her husband in an isolated village in the county of Cumberland in the North-West of England (the Wordsworth country). Amongst other necessities of living in such isolation, she generated her own electricity from a nearby stream.
Cooper is the author of Taoism: The Way of the Mystic, Yin & Yang: The Taoist Harmony of Opposites, Chinese Alchemy: The Taoist Quest for Immortality, Fairy Tales: Allegories of the Inner Life, and An Illustrated Encyclopedia of Traditional Symbols, which was widely acclaimed for the profundity of its insights and as a permanent and reliable source of information. She was a friend of F. Clive-Ross, who, from 1963 until his death in 1981, edited the British journal Studies in Comparative Religion. Cooper was an untiring reader of books on spirituality and comparative religion, and contributed many book reviews to that journal.
J. C. Cooper's essays have been included in Seeing God Everywhere and Light From The East. World Wisdom will publish a collection of her essays, along with illustrations of beautiful Taoist art, in An Illustrated Introduction to Taoism (2010).
Jean C. Cooper's work appearing in World Wisdom books:
- An Illustrated Introduction to Taoism (edited by Joseph A. Fitzgerald)
- Winner of two USA "Best Books 2011" Awards, sponsored by USA Book News:
– “Religion: Eastern Religions” category
– “Best Interior Design” category (designed by Susana Marin)
- Winner of the Benjamin Franklin Gold Award for “New Age/Metaphysics/Spirituality”
- Midwest Book Award Silver Medals in the categories:
“Illustration”, “3 or More Color Cover”, & “Total Book Design”
- Finalist for the Eric Hoffer Grand Prize
- Finalist for the da Vinci Eye Award
- Silver Benjamin Franklin Best Book Award for “Interior Design, 3 or More Color”
Cassell Dictionary of Christianity, edited by Jean C. Cooper. London; New York: Cassell, 1996.
Symbolic and Mythological Animals. London: Aquarian/Thorsons, 1992.
Brewer’s Book of Myth and Legend, edited by Jean C. Cooper. London; New York: Cassell, 1992.
The Aquarian Dictionary of Festivals. Wellingborough, Northamptonshire: Aquarian Press, 1990.
Chinese Alchemy: The Taoist Quest for Immortality. Wellingborough, Northamptonshire: Aquarian Press, 1984.
Fairy Tales: Allegories of the Inner Life. San Bernardino, Calif.: Borgo Press, 1986, c1983.
Symbolism, the Universal Language. San Bernardino, Calif.: R. Reginald/Borgo Press, 1986, c1982.
Yin and Yang: The Taoist Harmony of Opposites. London: Thorsons, 1982.
An Illustrated Encyclopaedia of Traditional Symbols. London: Thames and Hudson, c1978.
Taoism: The Way of the Mystic. Wellingborough, Northamptonshire: Aquarian Press, 1972. Rev. and expanded ed.: San Bernardino, Calif. : Borgo Press, 1990.