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Heinrich Dumoulin’s life and work
This site includes Heinrich Dumoulin’s biography, photos, and more.
Born in 1905, Heinrich Dumoulin was one of the world's foremost Zen scholars. He was Professor Emeritus of Sophia University in Tokyo and founder of its Institute for Oriental Religions, as well as the first Director of the Nanzan Institute for Religion and Culture. He died in 1995 at the age of 90.
Father Dumoulin is the author of Zen Buddhism: A History; Volume 1 India and China and Zen Buddhism: A History; Volume 2 Japan.
The Development of Chinese Zen After the Sixth Patriarch in the Light of the Mumonkan (1953, First Zen Institute of America)
A History of Zen Buddhism (1963, Pantheon Books)
Christianity Meets Buddhism (1974, Open Court Publishing)
Buddhism in the Modern World (1976, Macmillan Publishing)
Zen Enlightenment: Origins and Meaning (1979, Weatherhill)
Zen Buddhism in the Twentieth Century (1992)
Zen Buddhism: A History; Volume 1 India and China, (2005, World Wisdom)
Zen Buddhism: A History; Volume 2 Japan, (2005, World Wisdom)