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Illustrator page for Heidi M Rasch
This site includes Heidi M Rasch’s biography, photos, links, and more.
Heidi Rasch is an artist and illustrator of children’s books. Her first project for Wisdom Tales (the World Wisdom imprint for children) is Indian Boyhood: The True Story of a Sioux Upbringing, an illustrated version of the famous book by Charles Eastman Ohiyesa), edited for children by Michael O. Fitzgerald. Ms. Rasch's next book is Beautiful Peacemaker, another compilation of writings from Eastman (forthcoming).
As can be seen from her paintings in Indian Boyhood, Heidi Rasch has a style all her own. It pays tribute to the work of some great illustrators of other children’s books (including some by Wisdom Tales), but there is a playfulness and richness that is all her own. Parents and children will appreciate the way she brings animals alive, paying special attention as she does to the unique spirit of the different animals. It will also not be surprising if readers begin to notice in Ms. Rasch’s paintings of people a particular attention to detail in the clothes. This is because Ms. Rasch studied and worked in the field of fashion design, including in Paris. Readers who would like to see some of her fashion designs based on the traditional patterns of various world cultures, can explore the “Fashion Illustrations” page on her website (a link is found below).
Books by Heidi M. Rasch for Wisdom Tales Press (an imprint of World Wisdom):
- Indian Boyhood: The True Story of a Sioux Upbringing, illustrator, by Charles Eastman and edited by Michael O. Fitzgerald
- Winner in the “Children’s Picture Book: Hardcover Non-Fiction” category of the 2016 USA “Best Book” Awards
- Silver Medal in the “Children’s Picture Books” category of the 2016 Midwest Book Awards
- Finalist in the 2016 Reading the West Awards (by MPIBA) for the “Children’s” category
There is an extensive biography of Heidi M. Rasch, and a sample of her painting, on the Heidi M. Rasch illustrator page on the Wisdom Tales Press website.
Ms. Rasch also has her own website, with many more samples of her varied works and more biographical material. Readers can click here to go directly to her site.