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Giovanni Monastra’s life and work
This site includes Giovanni Monastra’s biography, photos, slideshows, and more.
Giovanni Monastra
Giovanni  Monastra
Detailed Information on Giovanni Monastra

Biography of Giovanni Monastra

Giovanni Monastra is the Managing Director of INRAN which is the National Research Institute for Food and Nutrition in Italy. Prior to this, he did research work in the laboratories of a pharmaceutical company, carrying out scientific studies mainly in the field of immunological drugs. He is the author of many articles and two books, one on the origin of life (Le origini della vita, 2000), with several criticisms of Darwinism, and the second on transgenic food, in which he presents arguments against genetic engineering (Maschera e volto degli OGM, 2002).

Giovanni Monastra is the author of the foreword to Science and the Myth of Progress , edited by Merhahd Zarandi .

Slideshows on Giovanni Monastra

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