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Frances Tyrrell’s life and work
This site includes Frances Tyrrell’s biography, photos, links, and more.
Frances Tyrrell is an artist who creates finely detailed and imaginative illustrations for children’s books and a wide range of licensed products. She has illustrated The Generous Fish, written by Jacqueline Jules. In the book, Frances Tyrrell’s illustrations delightfully capture a child’s innocent love for the natural world.
A lover of the magical world of illustrated books since childhood, Frances now takes great pleasure in creating beautiful books for today’s children. Her works Huron Carol and Woodland Christmas have been shortlisted for the Governor-General’s Award for Illustration, while her original watercolors are in private and public collections. Frances lives and works in Oakville, Canada.
Books illustrated by Frances Tyrrell:
Frances Tyrrell has her own website with much more information on and samples of her work. To visit her page, click here.