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Ernest Thompson Seton’s life and work
This site includes Ernest Thompson Seton’s biography, photos, online articles, slideshows, bibliography, and more.
Co-founder of the Boy Scouts of America, naturalist, author, and painter Ernest Thompson Seton, was born in England in 1860. His stories and paintings of wildlife are standard works on nature study and wood lore for boys and girls that continue to be used today. Together, with Lord Baden-Powell, Seton created the Boy Scouts of America as an organization that would respects nature's gifts. Seton was especially concerned with the plight of American Indians as well as the environment which is throughout his writing. Author of over 50 books, Mr. Seton's message that nature is a very good thing is more relevant than before today. He died in 1946.
He is the author of The Gospel of the Redman: Commemorative Edition .
World Wisdom books by Ernest Thompson Seton:
“Although known best as a writer of animal stories, he dedicated a large part of his life to helping the Indian wherever he could; but more, to helping the Whiteman realize the value of the doctrines by which the Redman lived in the days of his unspoiled grandeur.”
—Julia M. Seton, wife of E.T. Seton
“... Seton portrayed life as he saw it—in bold, living colors and words. He made the natural world come alive before be very eyes of millions.... He was a writer who thrilled readers with his animal stories, and a frontiersman who was recognized by Native Americans as an expert on their own religions.”
—National Wildlife Federation Conservation Hall of Fame
During his life Ernest Thompson Seton was a prolific author. He wrote numerous books and articles, many of which have been re-printed in multiple editions. Below is a selected bibliography of some of Thompson Seton’s works, arranged in chronological order by the year of their original publication.
1886 Mammals Of Manitoba
1891 Birds Of Manitoba
1894 How to Catch Wolves
1896 Studies in the Art Anatomy of Animals
1898 Wild Animals I Have Known
1899 The Trail of The Sandhill Stag
1899 Lobo, Rag, and Vixen
1900 The Biography of A Grizzly
1900 Lobo
1900 Ragylug
1901 Lives of the Hunted
1902 Krag and Johnny Bear
1903 How to Play Indian
1903 Two Little Savages
1903 How to Make A Real Indian Teepee
1903 How Boys Can Form A Band of Indians
1904 The Red Book
1904 Monarch, The Big Bear of Tallac
1905 Woodmyth and Fable
1905 Animal Heroes
1906 The Birchbark Roll of the Woodcraft Indians
1907 The Natural History of the Ten Commandments
1909 Fauna of Manitoba
1909 Biography of A Silver Fox
1909 Life-Histories of Northern Animals
1910 A Handbook of Woodcraft, Scouting, and Life-craft, Including General Sir Baden-Powell's Scouting for Boys
1910 The Forester's Manual
1911 The Arctic Prairies
1911 Rolf In The Woods
1912 The Book of Woodcraft and Indian Lore
1913 Wild Animals At Home
1915 The Slum Cat
1915 Legend of the White Reindeer
1915 The Manual of the Woodcraft Indians
1916 Wild Animal Ways
1916 Woodcraft Manual for Girls
1917 The Preacher of Cedar Mountain
1917 Woodcraft Manual for Boys; the Sixteenth Birch Bark Roll
1918 The Woodcraft Manual for Boys; the Seventeenth Birch Bark Roll
1918 The Woodcraft Manual for Girls; the Eighteenth Birch Bark Roll
1918 Sign Talk of the Indians
1919 The Laws and Honors of the Little Lodge of Woodcraft
1921 The Brownie Wigwam; The Rules of the Brownies
1921 The Buffalo Wind
1921 Woodland Tales
1921 The Book of Woodcraft
1922 The Book of Woodcraft and Indian Lore
1922 Bannertail: The Story of A Gray Squirrel
1923 The Ten Commandments in the Animal World
1926 Animals
1928 Animals Worth Knowing
1929 Krag, The Kootenay Ram and Other Stories
1930 Billy the Dog That Made Good
1930 Cute Coyote and Other Stories
1930 Lobo, Bingo, The Pacing Mustang
1932 Famous Animal Stories
1934 Animals Worth Knowing
1936 The Gospel of the Redman, with Julia Seton
1937 Biography of An Arctic Fox
1937 Great Historic Animals
1937 Mainly About Wolves
1940 Trail and Camp-Fire Stories
1940 Trail of an Artist-Naturalist: The Autobiography of Ernest Thompson Seton
1949 The Best of Ernest Thompson Seton
1954 Ernest Thompson Seton's America; Selections of the writings of the artist-naturalist
1958 Animal Tracks and Hunter Signs
1976 The Worlds of Ernest Thompson Seton