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Eric Geoffroy’s life and work
This site includes Eric Geoffroy’s biography, photos, and more.
Éric Geoffroy is a scholar, translator, educator, and writer who is Professor of Islamic Studies in the Department of Arabic and Islamic Studies at the University of Strasbourg, France. He also teaches at the Open University of Catalonia, at the Catholic University of Louvain (Belgium), and at the International Institute of Islamic Thought (Paris). Dr. Geoffroy specializes in Islam and its mystical dimension, Sufism, often focusing on aspects of sainthood. Among others areas, his research also extends to comparative mysticism, and to issues of spirituality in the contemporary world (e.g. spirituality and globalization; spirituality and ecology, etc.). In addition, he is a member of an international research group on Science and Religion in Islam, through the Université Interdisciplinaire of Paris.
Dr. Geoffroy gives many lectures all over the world (Europe, the Arab world, USA, Indonesia, and elsewhere) on subjects related to Sufism, and, more generally, to Islamic culture. Besides this, he has also participated in many international conferences. Geoffroy himself works on organizing conferences and seminars (for example for the Bibliotheca Alexandrina in Alexandria or the European Council in Strasbourg, etc.), and has written materials for a traveling exhibition on Sufism directed by the Arabic World Institute in Paris.
To date, Éric Geoffroy has had seven books published. He has published numerous articles in journals on Islamic studies but also in some magazines such as Le Monde des Religions, Le Point Hors Série, and La Vie. He has contributed some fifteen articles to the Encyclopedia of Islam (2nd and 3rd editions), and others to key reference books such as Les voies d’Allah, Dictionnaire critique de l’ésotérisme, Dictionnaire du Coran, and others. Dr. Geoffroy is the official consultant on Islam for the French dictionary Le Petit Larousse.
Besides this, Éric Geoffroy has on many occasions been the guest on some national and international radio and television broadcasts in Europe and in the Muslim world. His own web site, www.eric-geffroy.net, has links to some of his writings online, as well as to video and other links of interest.
Recently, World Wisdom published the first full book in English to appear by Dr. Eric Geoffroy. Introduction to Sufism: The Inner Path of Islam, is a translation of his French book Initiation au soufisme. An excerpt from that book was also included in the World Wisdom collection Sufism: Love and Wisdom .
Contributions from Eric Geoffroy:
- Introduction to Sufism: The Inner Path of Islam (author)
- Winner in the “Religion: Islam/Sufism” category of The USA "Best Books 2011" Awards, sponsored by USA Book News
- ForeWord Book of the Year Award Finalist for “Religion”
- The essay "Approaching Sufism" in Sufism: Love and Wisdom (co-editors: Jean-Louis Michon and Roger Gaetani)
- The “Foreword” to Emir Abd el-Kader: Hero and Saint of Islam, by Ahmed Bouyerdene
- ForeWord Book of the Year Award Finalist for “Biography” and “Religion”
- Gold Midwest Book Award for “Biography”
- Silver Midwest Book Award for “History”
- 2012 Eric Hoffer Award/Montaigne Medal Finalist