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Bernard Philip Kelly’s life and work
This site includes Bernard Philip Kelly’s biography, photos, and more.
Detailed Information on Bernard Philip Kelly
Bernard Philip Kelly (1907–1958) was an English Catholic author whose thinking has been regarded as neo-scholastic and traditionalist (i.e. in the current of René Guénon). Kelly’s writings were especially concerned with the recalling of contemporary Christian thought to Thomism, and with the provision of a traditional and scholastic critique of the modern
world. He also endeavored to prepare the ground for a sound Christian approach to the Eastern religions and in this regard corresponded regularly with perennialist author Ananda K. Coomaraswamy. Kelly contributed to Religion of the Heart, edited by
S.H. Nasr and
William Stoddart .
Another article by Bernard Philip Kelly, "A Christian Approach to the Non-Christian Religions," appears in
Ye Shall Know the Truth , published by World Wisdom.