In Outlook and Outlook Express, stationery files allow you to customize your emails with interesting background images, colors, and text fonts. When you install stationery, the image files (*.gif or *.jpg) and the *.htm (HTML) file are stored in your Stationery folder.
Click the Tools menu, and then click Options.... This opens the Options dialog box. Click the Mail Format tab (Figure 11).
Figure 11: Mail Format tab on Options dialog box
Find the "Message format" section. In
the first field, "Send
in this message format," select HTML.
Also make
certain that the checkbox labeled
"Use Microsoft Word
to edit e-mail messages" is not
Find the "Stationery and Fonts" section. In the "Use this stationery by default" field, select the stationary you want to use in your email.
Click OK. The stationary will now appear in all of your messages.